Mini Meems

Found those lost lbs! Obviously my CDC rounds everything down to the whole lbs too. Thought I'd lost even my basic maths skills there for a minute :D
and just noticed I'm so close to getting to my 10%. Very happy :)
No my sister has had her biggest losses when she's had the odd night off (think maybe 2-3 in 3 months so not loads). My CDC says that she has always done that and she's lost tonnes of weight - almost like it kick starts you or something. I was the lightest this morning I've been so far on this, think 10st 3 something although I'm usually 3lbs ish heavier when I get weighed in the evenings so not as good as it first seems! It's the after bit that really counts you're right, especially if you get away with it once. I found myself wondering on Saturday would it really make a difference if I had just a little bit of the gorgeous risotto I'd made and then had a stern word with myself and abstained!

I weigh in on a Wednesday night - I have another thing tomorrow though a spa day with a friend with lunch so I'm going to be as good as I can.

I'm hopeful to get down to my target but I might be increasing my target (heavier not lighter) anyway as I'm pretty much where I want to be now, just had 1 more pair of pants I want to get in to. I've resigned myself to the fact that it might be the New Year or I might have to do a few weeks of ss come January, just because I've got something on every weekend between now and Christmas and I'm not missing out. All diet and no eat makes Clare a dull girl and all that!

Well done memes Xx
Losses are looking fab Meems. This diet is so much about that head work and actually working stuff out - I had no idea i'd actually get to where I am now. It seemed a distant goal to get to target for me - haven't ever managed on another diet before, so why would this one be different?! I was so wrong and having got there, having done the important headwork too, i'm into step two and feeling really positive about the other steps. It is totally possible and i'm sure you're going to get there! :)

Thanks for all the encouragement it really does mean a lot :) and Flic I can actually see myself getting there now. It may be months down the line but I will be where you are now and following your example!

Have a good week everyone xx
Me too Meems xx
Yumm... First time cooking with one of the packets and I made a Thai curry from the oriental soup. I'd made a red curry for everyone else and added my chicken and broccoli to the soup with some herbs and spices. It was lush!
The SS+ meals are a real treat but I do miss curries and spicy food and this was a perfect replacement. I may even try cauliflower rice next time as well. Yumm :)
Wow Lyds, just seen your first weeks loss! That's amazing, well done :) you must be over the moon xx
Thank you lovely.

i miss curry too. I drove past my local today and thought see you in June, lol
Lyds82 - well doen on your loss that is incredible!!

Both Lyds and Meems given your conversation about spicy food I thought I'd share what my CDC told me last week. They do the new CD mushroom risotto now and she has one with her chicken and veg allowance and adds a load of curry powder - she's says it's just like eating a Chinese curry. I'm still ss'ing when I'm not on planned nights out so I'm not at this stage yet but I will be trying that when I am!

Oh and Meems I had half a glass of Prosecco yesterday (without eating as it was morning, well unless you count 2 chocolates...what can I stay they were included in my spa day!!!) and I could feel myself feeling a bit tipsy! I left the rest as I had to drive home later that day and I didn't trust myself!!

May just try the risotto curry sounds lush and the alcohol intolerance really does make us cheap dates huh?!
Yeah I thought so! Lol you're right a single drink and we're anybody's!!! ;) xx
Had the risotto and they weren't lying! It's lush :) had it with prawns, spinach and mushrooms but it would be good on its own.
I tend to SS + on days that I have an early shift because the 5am starts make it a long day food wise. I've done this all the way through and don't think that it's made too much of a difference to my losses... At least I hope not! I might try a SS only week next time I have AL to see the difference.

Ramble over! Only popped on to say risotto -win!
Well done you, Meems! Almost two stone in a month is fab...especially with the odd drunken mishap thrown in! ;) xx

Second (and last!) after discovering I was pregnant last time...1 week done...1 stone gone!

First attempt...18 weeks...64lbs down...!
Yay for risotto! Looking forward to trying it myself :) xx
I'm more excited to try the spagetti bolognese personally - I do miss tomatoey flavours and the spicy tomato soup just didn't do it for me. Think it might make a nice lunchtime meal/product. Hope my CDC stocks them - I had to tell her about the new products - she didn't seem to know!

Me too Flic. Although luckily my CDC is very up to date so she's been teasing us for weeks!
I'd have eaten the risotto as a 'normal' meal though, it really was lovely :)