Cruise - PP day (8.1.14)
Today's been a toughie! Work's been crazy for the last couple of days, so I've been tired all day. My eyes actually nearly started going in the middle of a meeting, which was mightily embarrassing. For a moment... Just a fleeting moment, mind you - I almost grabbed some chocolate for a quick boost of sugar. But then I thought about how hard attack was & how proud I felt that I did it... So, the chocolate remained uneaten & my Dukan diet remains on track!
Breakfast: Chunks of turkey breast (processed, but needs must - the cupboards are a bit bare!)
Lunch: Leftover chicken livers from last night.
Mid afternoon: A hard boiled egg, crab sticks & a diet coke.
Dinner: Dukan beef stroganoff (same as the other night, but cooked by the gorgeous Mr Mini so I could keep working)
Treat: Oat bran mixed with a little yogurt, Dukan hot chocolate.