So much has been going on since my last update.
Yesterday my beloved mini was sold on Ebay:cry: I've had to get another more practical car for the dogs etc. and so bought a few months back a little nissan micra, the little hatchback is ideal for my boys. I really wanted to keep Henry (my mini) as well, but due to lack of space and hubby moaning I reluctantly agreed to sell him
I've spoken to the lad who's bought Henry and hes coming to pick him up at the weekend, he genuinely seems a mini enthusiast and I'm so pleased he's going to someone who's going to care as much as I do. So whilst this lad is exstatic with his new car, I'm reminded that I'm middle aged everytime I get in the micra
We've planned a trip to the states for next easter, a lovely 2 week break in a gorgeous hotel in San Diego

I was so excited until the travel agent whilst going through the paperwork threw into the conversation 'I presume you have no criminal convictions'...

Wrong!!!!! I have a drink driving offence which is 18 years old and hubby has several driving offences which led to a tiny prison sentence which are all over 20 years old. I presumed as everything was way back in our youth (I promise we are now both respectable adults

) that this wouldnt be a problem. How wrong was I:sigh:
I contacted the US embassy and was informed we would have to go to the london embassy to have our visas granted, we also had to take police certificates with us and lots of other paperwork. I got everything sorted and up to the embassy we went thinking this was all a formality. My visa was granted, but the consular that hubby saw was not convinced he was telling the truth, she kept saying there must have been more offences for himto be sentenced to a prison term, which I might add was only 3 months. Anyhow she did not grant the visa and instead told hubby that he would have to see a physician in London and have a medical

Poor hubby went to the physician a week ago last Friday. The doctor couldnt believe he had been sent there, but of course had to follow procedure. We are now waiting to hear back from the embassy.
I am so fed up, so far the cost of getting the visas is up to £450 as none of the appointments and cerificates have been free, and we still dont know if his visa will be granted, even though the medical was fine.
I wouldnt mind if we were planning to work or live in the states, but all we want is a 2 week family holiday, or if we had ever been convicted for a violent or drug related crime, but no we are being punished for a couple of minor crimes that happened nearly 20 years ago