Minimins Daily Quiz!!

Just bumping the daily quiz up.....Any takers???
Just had a go today for the first time. I am probably on the wrong page or something though. 9/10 in 175 seconds but no idea if it is the same thing you guys are doing. First question about Buddhists.
I click on the link in page 1 of this thread.
Only just found this thread, love it got 9/10 some pesky question about a hall of fame bloke!

That was 9/10 for Porgeous and 10/10 for pure gorgeous - love your updated piccie and you look so happy and confident. Inspirational all the way.
Had a go and got 7:)
Couldnt log on with my name but signed in as Triviadunce - that worked (lol) scored 8/10 today. Never heard of "Flubber" bah and took a wrong guess I the "rockers" question. Good fun though, thanks for introduction to the minimins trivia D-Q
Just had a go and got 8/10, must have someone else brain today.
Well done, helps aloud. xxx Loobylou
7/10 oo dear need more practice lol