Hey Minnie, must reply to you properly here, not just in my own diary. Welcome back!! Sorry I haven't posted sooner, crazy weekend, all over the place. So glad you're back. I have made a few of my own rules as well that make things a bit easier for me. Having one or two cups of coffee a day with milk in it is one of those allowances and it keeps me sane it seems.
The citric acid rule I completely understand, I mean personally I'm a big water drinker and rarely fancy pop or similar. But when I'm out with friends and we all have a drink, I'll go for a diet coke or pepsi and I don't care about citric acid, hasn't done me any harm so far (famous last words?). If it makes the difference between carrying on or falling off the wagon, then by all means, tweak it to suit you I'd say.
Also, the not weighing thing is a good idea. I might join you with that. Will weigh in this weekend, Saturday being official weigh in. And then ban them for at least a fortnight.
That way you can focus more on your body feeling rather than just the numbers on the display which can be quite deceiving anyway.