Here's your wee Alfie fix lol.........
It wasn't as nice as i thought it would be!! I want real satay sauce from the Chinese and i want it now now now lol xx
Mmmm your spag bol looks amazing! Especially with the cheese on! I love cheese. I don't think I could survive if the shops suddenly stopped selling cheese lol.
I'll give Alfie a little squeeze from his Aunty Kelly in a bithe's in the other room with my son waiting for the footy to start! Lol. I'm in the front room....yippee!! We've not been able to use it since we moved in as it had carpet in here (Alfie's allergy), so we put wooden floors down just before Christmas and still haven't used this room properly. But this is the 3rd time I've been in here over the last couple of weeks
it's really nice and cosy
Thanks chick!! I knew you would love the cheesy one lol!!
All my brood are sittin ready to watch it!! Im b*ggerin off into the kitchen to do the dishes then headin upstairs to change the beds lol!! Hate football!! Aww does my wee baby have an allergy!! To carpet...?? Ive neva heard of that!! Just makes him more unique!! You cant beat a nice cosey, homely room xx
Eurghh! I don't like changing the beds but it's lovely getting in nice clean sheets at bed time
Alfie's allergic to house dust mites, he's currently undergoing a course of immunotherapy (injections every 3 weeks to boost his immune system), he gets ear infections and itchy dry skinbut we're 6 months into his treatment and he's doing fab!
his next visit to the animal hospital isn't till the end of july
we're not allowed carpets as it's where the dust mites settle, his bedding has to be washed every few days, and we can't have material/fabric sofas either. Curtains aren't really that good either but there's only so much we can do to reduce the amount of dust. That's why I'm always dusting, polishing, hoovering etc
lol. It's a bloody good job he's insured as we've probably spent close to £4000 in the last 18 months or so!!!!! X
Ive kept you some honey lol!!!
Omg i cant stop laughin at what you said bout the plate lol!! Xx
I dont mind changin beds lol!! And love fresh sheets, had them dryin outside today so they will be extra fresh!!
Aww your so dedicated to your wee pooch!! That is so sweet!! Id go to the ends of the earth for hunter!! Gosh that is expensive chick!! Thank god for insurance!! I have hunter covered too, i know its an avsolute fortune!! Xx
In the first year we were paying around £15 a month for his insurance, then after his ear problems started it went up to £22 a month. We were expecting it to be nearer to £40 when it was renewed a few weeks ago but it came through the post saying £23 a monthI think they've realised that he's getting the correct treatment for his atopic dermatitis (the proper word) and only has a few more months of treatment left so hopefully we shouldn't be claiming much in the future.
God I can waffle!!! Lol. Xx
Get it off your chest honey lol!! Thats so good it didnt go up to much!! We pay £16 a month but "touch wood" have never claimed anything!! My poor wee alfie!! I wanna squish him even more now lol!! Xx
And hopefully you won't have to claim!! We keep saying that he was so cheap to buy (the last of the litter) but bloody expensive to keep lol. Xx
Lol!! But worth every penny xx