Monday 01/04/2014: red day!!
Breakfast: banana and a coffee!!
Mid morning break: 2 hifi rocky road and a ww raspberry tart yoghurt!!
Lunch: chicken breast salad sandwich with cheese, cup of tea!!
Dinner: steak, fried mushrooms and onion, broccoli and asparagus, ww caramel and apple tart yoghurt!!
Supper/evening snack: syn free pancakes and smoked bacon with 1 tbspn syrup (2.5) choc options (2)!!
Hex-a 1: 40g low fat cheese!!
Hex-a 2: 250ml s/skim milk!!
Hex-b 1: 2 hifi rocky road!!
Hex-b 2: 2 slice wholemeal bread!!
Syns: aldi extra light mayo (0.5), syrup (2.5), choc options (2), extra light mayo (0.5), tomato sauce (0.5)!! 6 total!!