So I'm baaaaack! Half a pound on for xmas week, making 4.5lb gained in December. That's pretty ok, I can lose that in no time.
Really feeling positive about the new plan, I love the structure of having a limit to my carbs although I can see me getting really frustrated with not having spuds with dinner.
Today I had coffee and hifis for breakfast, lunch was speed soup (made ages ago and frozen so it had parsnip in, so not strictly SP friendly but I'll call it my rare "other" food) with a HEB roll.

This was dinner, bit of a weird one but I have a lot of shiz to use up or chuck. Beef dopiaza (beef - p, passata - s, mushrooms - s, onions -s, plus spices) with cabbage - s, bacon - p and brussels - s. I think I need to work on the 50/50 split but either way, both are on my plate in much greater quantities than before and I'm stuffed
Really feeling positive about the new plan, I love the structure of having a limit to my carbs although I can see me getting really frustrated with not having spuds with dinner.
Today I had coffee and hifis for breakfast, lunch was speed soup (made ages ago and frozen so it had parsnip in, so not strictly SP friendly but I'll call it my rare "other" food) with a HEB roll.

This was dinner, bit of a weird one but I have a lot of shiz to use up or chuck. Beef dopiaza (beef - p, passata - s, mushrooms - s, onions -s, plus spices) with cabbage - s, bacon - p and brussels - s. I think I need to work on the 50/50 split but either way, both are on my plate in much greater quantities than before and I'm stuffed