I remember when James Bulger was kidnapped from my local shopping centre, my son was a few months younger than him. I was and still am a very regular visitor and whenever I went there with Chris (and subsequently Amy) I always made sure he and she were strapped into a buggy.
When they were old enough to want to walk around I'd have a wrist strap around mine and their wrists as well as holding their hands. Not once did I let them walk ahead of me. Not once did I leave them outside the shops in their buggy. Not once did I take my eyes off them for a second.
It was very hard trying concentrate on my shopping and keep my children safe, but I'm a parent and that's what I HAVE to do isn't it? I have to look after my kids until they are old enough to take care of themselves, until they are old enough to make their own decisions. But that doesn't mean that I'll never worry about them because I know I will until the day I die, because that's what parents do.
For the first time ever this year I took my two on holiday alone. Just me and them, no one else to help me look after them or help me keep them amused and safe. We only went to Haven and stayed in a caravan, but they never left my sight once. Chris is 13 and Amy is 6, I trust Chris to be sensible enough to look after Amy, but I'd never leave him alone with her because he's still a child even if he is a mature 13yr old.
We managed to go out every day and enjoy ourselves and each evening we went to the various Haven clubs together and went back to our caravan together. It wasn't hard, I didn't feel like I needed some adult time on my own even though I'm a single parent and regularly feel like locking myself in a padded room lol.

We went on holiday together, so we stayed together.
I have every sympathy for the McCanns and their family and I hope that Maddie is found safe and well and taken back to her parents. But I have absolutely no sympathy (or understanding) for their decision to leave those children asleep and alone in an apartment with the patio doors unlocked and I am torn between feeling utter sorrow and complete anger towards them at the same time.
I apologise to anyone who may be offended by this reply (please PM me if you are and I will ask for it to be deleted if that is the case), but I just couldn't understand how the McCanns could think that their children would be safe.