Mission Possible

Hello to Squishy! Glad you have a 3-day weekend. I love when Prince Charming has them. Unfortunately he works every other Saturday, so RawrGirl is content when he has even a 2 day weekend.

Anyway...glad you enjoyed your run. RawrGirl loves to run...sort of. She likes to run for the pleasure of running about a mile, maybe a mile and a half. Anymore than that, and she's just doing it to try and lose weight because she feels less than. It's kind of a love/hate thing.

RawrGirl eats this high fiber, low carb chocolate bar every weekend. It's a bit expensive, but the sweetener it uses is actually low GI (not like the others) and doesn't cause gas upset. It's called Chocoperfection, and RawrGirl has actually tested herself before and after eating it and it doesn't knock her out of ketosis (confirming that it really is low GI). RawrGirl orders it online, and gets the Milk Chocolate. But they also have Dark, and Mint, and maybe Raspberry, she can't remember.
zeke said:
Now that is an achievement - going for a fun and enjoying it!
Hope you get to enjoy a few more this coming week. I have to admit you are almost tempting me...

Go for it! I did the Couch to 5k plan and then the Bridge to 10k. This was earlier in the year but I've obviously retained some of the fitness!
Howdy all! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. It's a miserable wet cold day here but hubby and dog have gone over to my parents' house (they're away) to watch a football match on their tv (as we don't have a sports subscription!), the little lady is napping as the hour change had her up at an ungodly hour, and I am catching up here while working my way through a bowl of pumpkin soup, which is like bloody lava!! I made it from the remains of my carving, and also roasted the pumpkin seeds (thanks Pinterest!) and they are so delicious!

Yesterday was a hungry day for me. I think it's because the weather here has suddenly gotten a lot colder. Anyway, rather than pigging out I upped my calories to my BMR (1390) for the weekend, instead of my usual 1200/1250. I've also been exercising plenty- lots of brisk walks with the dog which are a lot easier when OH can stay in with baby. Not sure I'll get out today because of the weather but I'm happy with a day off and my cals look good for the day.

As I said, we have a national holiday tomorrow so I'll start with a weigh and measure in the morning (praying I see 10st7lb!) and then later I am heading off to a retail outlet about 40mins drive away ON MY OWN! I can't wait. Little lady does not like shopping or long car journeys so it's usually a stressful experience. I desperately need a new winter coat that fits and there is a North Face outlet so fingers crossed I find something. I recently won EUR200 in my hockey club's monthly draw so I can treat myself without feeling guilty.

Actually looking forward to weigh in tomorrow as I FEEL slimmer. Thankfully my stomach issues have fully resolved and I don't have any bloating etc. I have been taking a daily probiotic drink and I really think this has helped, so I plan to keep it up.

Attaching pics of roasted pumpkin seeds and our Jack o' Lantern (please be advised that I am the least artistic person you've ever come across...!) x


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Looks lovely, and the best of luck!!!
WannaBe14Stone said:
Looks lovely, and the best of luck!!!

Thanks! Hope SnS is going ok. You'll have good days and bad but stick with it. Cheating is not worth it!

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A nice NSV today: my hips bones are now visible! I don't ever remember a time when I could see them. I've been able to feel them for a few weeks now but I realised this evening that I can actually see them. Yippee!

Excuse the belly please, that needs a lot of work. I blame the baby ;)


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Ok, quick post as I was up early with baby and now I'm back in bed trying to snatch an hour's kip while she naps BUT...

Weigh in this morning and I've lost 2.2lb! Yippee! This bring me to 146.8lb, just below my 10st7 mini-target! Only 1.8lb until my next target, the 2 stone mark. I am beyond delighted. Another half inch off my hips too but my waist (belly) measurement is stuck at 34. Need to banish some belly fat. My true waist is 29 though, which isn't bad.

Excited for my shopping trip and me-time later. Planning a little trip to Starbucks while I'm there.

Have a happy Monday everyone! I know I will. X
zeke said:
YAY! Fabulous news!!
A very big WELL DONE from me - enjoy today!

You're so sweet, thanks Zeke! Too happy to sleep so time for breakfast! X
That's great news hitting your mini-target :) You'll definitely hit the two stone mark by next week.

Enjoy your shopping trip, and have a coffee on me ;) x
tweekedgirl said:
That's great news hitting your mini-target :) You'll definitely hit the two stone mark by next week.

Enjoy your shopping trip, and have a coffee on me ;) x

Thanks Tweekedgirl! How fab are we looking?! ;) ;)
Ok, quick post as I was up early with baby and now I'm back in bed trying to snatch an hour's kip while she naps BUT...

Weigh in this morning and I've lost 2.2lb! Yippee! This bring me to 146.8lb, just below my 10st7 mini-target! Only 1.8lb until my next target, the 2 stone mark. I am beyond delighted. Another half inch off my hips too but my waist (belly) measurement is stuck at 34. Need to banish some belly fat. My true waist is 29 though, which isn't bad.

Excited for my shopping trip and me-time later. Planning a little trip to Starbucks while I'm there.

Have a happy Monday everyone! I know I will. X

Congrats!!! RawrGirl is jealous; you def have her beat as her belly is 35 and her waist is 29.5. :worthy:

That is so awesome about the draw money and getting a winter coat. Glad you are feeling slim--that is the most important part!!! And your belly looks fine. RawrGirl's did not survive pregnancy...hers looks like that average before tummy-tuck photo. :(

Go Squishy! :party0011:
RawrGirl said:
Congrats!!! RawrGirl is jealous; you def have her beat as her belly is 35 and her waist is 29.5. :worthy:

That is so awesome about the draw money and getting a winter coat. Glad you are feeling slim--that is the most important part!!! And your belly looks fine. RawrGirl's did not survive pregnancy...hers looks like that average before tummy-tuck photo. :(

Go Squishy! :party0011:

Thanks so much my lovely. You shouldn't be jealous of me, we're twins! And I bet that when you weigh in soon you will be lighter than me! (Obviously if you are, that's the end of our friendship! Joking joking!) I like that we're so similar and on the same journey, even if our paths are different! (How deep am I today?!!)

Oh my tummy pic must've be flattering because I too look like a candidate for cosmetic surgery!
Shopping success today, yip a dee doo dah!

So I picked up a black lace dress from French Connection reduced from EUR126 to EUR50. The best part? I tried on a 14 (my old size) and it was too big. So tried the 12 and thought it fit but not well, it was a bit roomy. So lo and behold, I got into the 10 and it fits like a dream! I couldn't believe it!

I also picked up a French Connection wool coat down from EUR275 to EUR90. Again, size 10! It's just what I was looking for, a "dressy" coat.

Then I bought a knee length parka jacket, waterproof with a great hood and a fleece lining, perfect for the outdoors, walking dog, baby etc. it was down from EUR219 to EUR98.

Pretty successful huh?

Had a nice lunch in Starbucks despite it being super busy. I upped my cals to 1800 today as I was treating myself but thanks to some vacuuming, a dog walk and the run I'm about to go on, I'll come in under that. Back to 1390 (my BMR) tomorrow to push to my 2 stone target.

Pics of the dress and the coat below. Coat looks much nicer on though.


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Oh my tummy pic must've be flattering because I too look like a candidate for cosmetic surgery!

This is RawrGirl's tummy...and has been since she was 19 years old. And please don't say it's not that bad...I am not sharing for attention, in fact I will delete it after I know you've seen it (stupid private message wouldn't let me upload a pic from my comp). She just wants you to like your tummy more than you do...as obviously, you're not stuck with mine.

View attachment 67273

RawrGirl plans to have surgery as soon as (and if) the money is ever there. Her stomach muscles separated during pregnancy, thus no amount of crunches or weight loss will fix them. As for the stretch marks, she can live with them (though they will be less noticeable after surgery too) if only the bulging mass of flesh and wrinkly skin (hidden by her panties) were gone. For now, there is no "on top" for RawrGirl, no low rise jeans, no bikini, and no to most lingerie. It bulges out to about 6 months pregnant whenever she lays on her side, and though jeans will hold it in most of the time, there is still a bulge. The only time there is no bulge is when she wears a long corset, but as the boning shows through most clothes, that is often not an option either. Therefore, no matter what weight RawrGirl is at, she looks about 4-5 months pregnant depending on how stiff the fabric she is wearing (jeans versus a dress).

Point is, RawrGirl wants Squishy to love her tummy and recognize that she in no way needs surgery. Celebrate your tummy! :)
RawrGirl said:
RawrGirl loves both! They are amazing!!!

Thank you! Looking forward to wearing them. We have a christening on Dec 1st, with the same group of friends that I last saw at a wedding on 30th August. I was at my lowest confidence then, and highest weight of 173. I can't wait to walk in and (hopefully) feel good about myself!
RawrGirl said:
This is RawrGirl's tummy...and has been since she was 19 years old. And please don't say it's not that bad...I am not sharing for attention, in fact I will delete it after I know you've seen it (stupid private message wouldn't let me upload a pic from my comp). She just wants you to like your tummy more than you do...as obviously, you're not stuck with mine.

RawrGirl plans to have surgery as soon as (and if) the money is ever there. Her stomach muscles separated during pregnancy, thus no amount of crunches or weight loss will fix them. As for the stretch marks, she can live with them (though they will be less noticeable after surgery too) if only the bulging mass of flesh and wrinkly skin (hidden by her panties) were gone. For now, there is no "on top" for RawrGirl, no low rise jeans, no bikini, and no to most lingerie. It bulges out to about 6 months pregnant whenever she lays on her side, and though jeans will hold it in most of the time, there is still a bulge. The only time there is no bulge is when she wears a long corset, but as the boning shows through most clothes, that is often not an option either. Therefore, no matter what weight RawrGirl is at, she looks about 4-5 months pregnant depending on how stiff the fabric she is wearing (jeans versus a dress).

Point is, RawrGirl wants Squishy to love her tummy and recognize that she in no way needs surgery. Celebrate your tummy! :)

Aw, I'm so sorry about your tummy. The attachment doesn't work for some reason, but I recently saw a medical programme about stomach muscles not rejoining after pregnancy. One woman was like a twig, definitely underweight, but yet she had this protruding belly that she couldn't get rid of without surgery.

You're right, I shouldn't complain really. I didn't like my tummy much before pregnancy but looking back, I'd love it compared to now. Besides the stretchmarks I'm hoping I might be able to get back there though. With a lot of hard work I suppose, like anything in life!
Morning all! (Well, the few who read this rambling diary...!)

Quick update to say I have moved my goal weight to 138lb/9st12lb as this equates to a 35lb or 2.5 stone loss and I like everything to be neat as ordered. (A touch of OCD some might say!) Anyway, this means I've given myself an extra pound to lose. I have pledged 4lb for November and hopefully I might lose the remainding in December, in time for Xmas. Once I get below the 10's for Xmas I will be delighted.

Went for a 4k run with a friend last night which was great as we chatted all the way and hardly noticed the distance. Didn't even need a shower afterwards! We are going to step it up a notch next time we meet, maybe an extra half a loop to make it 6k or so. I have to say I'm really enjoying exercising more, maybe because it's easier when I'm not carrying around an extra 26lb? Or maybe because it means I can eat more after burning some exercise calories?!! I wore a running t-shirt that I got at a sponsored 5k at Easter. It was definitely snug then and now it hangs off me. Don't think I'll ever tire of this happening. Now the search is on for some inexpensive full-length running tights. Mine are calf-length and my ankles were chilly last night! Can't believe I'm looking for a pair of running tights, I was so embarrassed in them before that I wore shorts and a long t-shirt over them to hide my bum. Now my bum is still big and wobbly but it's a lot better and I just don't care anymore (because it's dark! I wouldn't wear them in broad daylight just yet!)

Anyway, quiet day at home today with a little bit of food shopping. There's no kickboxing class this week as it's Halloween etc. so I'm meeting a friend for a resistance circuits class tonight. Then another run tomorrow night and who knows what on Thurs? Maybe the ever elusive Shred?! Watch this space..!

Hoping for some movement on the job front this week. Don't mind if it's a yes or no from the interview I had, but that was 11 days ago so some contact would be nice!

Have a good day! X