Mission Possible

Good for you for pushing through. Dr. Atkins warns that transitioning into Ketosis will make you feel lethargic and even suggests skipping exercise until then, but RawrGirl (and many others) don't follow that advice as exercise will help you get there faster...esp lifting weights (which forces body to use the glycogen stores in your muscles).

Glad you are not tempted by food.

BTW, are you doing Shred 5 days per week and Kickboxing on the other 2? You should always give your body 1 day of rest per week, or you run the risk of injury. Just FYI.

Congrats on the 2bs! Are you only 8 pounds away from goal now?
RawrGirl said:
Good for you for pushing through. Dr. Atkins warns that transitioning into Ketosis will make you feel lethargic and even suggests skipping exercise until then, but RawrGirl (and many others) don't follow that advice as exercise will help you get there faster...esp lifting weights (which forces body to use the glycogen stores in your muscles).

Glad you are not tempted by food.

BTW, are you doing Shred 5 days per week and Kickboxing on the other 2? You should always give your body 1 day of rest per week, or you run the risk of injury. Just FYI.

Congrats on the 2bs! Are you only 8 pounds away from goal now?

Thanks RawrGirl! Yes, hoping exercise might speed Ketosis up too! I had planned on 7 days of exercise but maybe I will take one rest day a week. Maybe a Sunday as that's my lie-in day! Just really want to get Shred done by Xmas. I suppose I can do more than one exercise session a day once I'm back to food in a few weeks.
RawrGirl said:
Congrats on the 2bs! Are you only 8 pounds away from goal now?

Yes! Well, even less as this morning I was 145.6, so 7.6lb to go ;) and also only 0.6lb until I reach my mini-goal of 2 stone, eek!
Day 3 and feeling good!

Little lady napping so I've just had my soup and I'm catching up on Jersey Shore (my guilty pleasure!)

Kickboxing was good last night and I didn't feel weak at all during it. Having trouble sleeping but not sure if that's because of Lipotrim or because I'm a little stressed out about work, money etc. I'm tired but just have trouble switching off and falling asleep. It will probably pass.

So 2 college friends and I have planned a night out (dinner and drinks) on Dec 8th! Very excited to get dressed up and have a girly night. I will just have to make sure that I have done my refeed by then so fingers crossed I'll be at goal!
RawrGirl said:
Wow...you are so close! So excited for you. Girls night sounds fun!

BTW, RawrGirl made those Cauliflower crisps she repinned of yours. They were very tasty. Have you tried them yet?

Thanks RawrGirl! I know, so close now. I'm just a bit worried that I won't get there before I have to refeed in time for girls' night. If not, I can lose the last few pounds with CC but just want to be there by Christmas.

No, I didn't get around to making the cauli crisps before going back on Lipotrim but will definitely try them once I'm eating again! Glad they were nice. I love Pinterest!
Day 4! Don't think I'm in Ketosis yet. Still feeling hungry and that should pass once I'm in Ketosis. Mouth feeling a little dry and stale so hopefully it's not far away!

Missing the comfort of food a little today, but nothing I can't cope with. It's not even unhealthy food I want! I'd love just a bowl of porridge to fill me up and warm me up. Weather has gotten cold here again so I'm finding it hard to stay warm.

Still not sleeping great so a little tired and unmotivated during the day. Still, I have to do the Shred later as I won't be able to tomorrow, because of my hockey match. Must. Do. Exercise!!
You know...you could always do Lipotrim the way RawrGirl does...shake for breakfast and lunch and a regular dinner and still be at 800 calories a day. Just a thought. Might take slightly longer but be a more enjoyable process. On the flip side, you lose a lot quicker than RawrGirl...so perhaps 3 weeks of misery is worth it, lol.

So will hubby take pics of you playing hockey? It sounds like so much fun. RawrGirl wishes she was one of your teammates!
RawrGirl said:
You know...you could always do Lipotrim the way RawrGirl does...shake for breakfast and lunch and a regular dinner and still be at 800 calories a day. Just a thought. Might take slightly longer but be a more enjoyable process. On the flip side, you lose a lot quicker than RawrGirl...so perhaps 3 weeks of misery is worth it, lol.

So will hubby take pics of you playing hockey? It sounds like so much fun. RawrGirl wishes she was one of your teammates!

Yeah, after starting so positively on Tuesday I am finding it super tough! I will definitely do a minimum of 2 weeks though, otherwise it's just not worth it. Will see where I'm at then. If I'm feeling more positive and determined, I'll keep going on Lipotrim for another week. If I'm really fed up, I'll refeed and lose the rest with calorie counting up to Xmas. Disappointed in myself though, I did this for 5 weeks before, what's so different now? Maybe it's week 1 blues and when Ketosis kicks in I'll feel happier.

No, no pics tomorrow. Firstly because I would die if anyone saw a pic of my cellulite-riddled thighs ;) and secondly because hubby will be looking after baba at home while I'm playing. Getting my gear out of the attic now though so will try it on and see if it's looser than 2 years ago. Last time I wore it, I was just 4 weeks pregnant and played my last game.

Really not feeling up to the Shred tonight. TOTM arrived and I'm just wiped out. Sunday for definite, back on the wagon.

Right, better go feed husband and baby and dog! X
Day 5! Can I get a whoop whoop? Why? Because I've finally hit the 2 stone mark! Yessssss! Stepped on the scales first thing this morning as little lady woke early. I started the day with a spring in my step! I'm down to 144.2 (10st 4.2) so I've almost lost 29lb. Only 6.2lb to go. Come on Squishy, you can do this!

*skips off to update stats*

Will ask Mr McFatterson to take some pics later. Did I mention that he's lost 12lb since I started this diet? Because he's been so supportive and he's stopped eating junk.
hannahsmumwillshrink said:
Well done squishy, you are doing so well! Not squishy at all! Xx

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Thanks so much! Good to have you back ;) x
Well here you go folks! Everyone loves photos eh? Well I know I do! Just not my own but I'm so glad I sucked it up when I was at my heaviest and got my husband to take these. They certainly shocked me as I'd never seen myself from behind and didn't know I had "back boobs". Funny but sad at the same time. I'm happy with the progress I've made but definitely want to lose more, and to also tone up. My worst area is my "saddle-bags" where my bum meets my thighs. I hate this bit but at least it's getting smaller (and smoother!)


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Grrrr!! Minimins crashed during my last post so thought I'd lost it. Apologies for the second post!


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Wow squishy -- your spine is showing! That is one of RawrGirl's goals...very defined shoulder blades and a hint of spine. You def have less upper body fat than RawrGirl. Isn't it odd that we can be the same height and shape and approx weight but still look a bit different? You look soooo slim from behind...the way your shoulders v down to your waist. RawrGirl thinks you need a backless dress to be sure!
RawrGirl said:
Wow squishy -- your spine is showing! That is one of RawrGirl's goals...very defined shoulder blades and a hint of spine. You def have less upper body fat than RawrGirl. Isn't it odd that we can be the same height and shape and approx weight but still look a bit different? You look soooo slim from behind...the way your shoulders v down to your waist. RawrGirl thinks you need a backless dress to be sure!

I know! Didn't think there was a spine under all those layers of fat ;) I think the fact that I'm bending my arm to take the pic helps to make it stand out? Mind you, if I rub my back I can feel it, yay! Not sure about a backless dress- maybe in the summer though! Pregnancy hormones have me bad back acne that hasn't cleared up fully so I'm a little embarrassed by that. The sun usually clears it up though.

Isn't it funny about different body shapes? My saddle bags definitely come from my dad's side of the family as my mum has fab slender legs no matter how much weight she carries. I'm definitely a size 10 on top now and for dresses, but probably a 12 minimum for trousers.
Day 6 and feeling good. Just avoided major temptation at my parents' house and heading home now to have my soup and put my feet up while the little one sleeps.

Wore a new pair of black skinny jeans that I picked up in Penneys for a steal and it's so nice to wear jeans that FIT! Had to wear them with my brown boots as i haven't got my black boots yet. The store were meant to order them in for me but they haven't called, but in the meantime I found a pair NEW on EBay for EUR30 less and they are on their way. The 2 pairs of jeans that I bought in Gap last month are already too big, so annoyed as that's money down the drain. I suppose I could sell them but that always seems like such hassle. I could keep them for after a second pregnancy maybe? I just hate wasting money, so I'm being careful about what clothes I purchase from now on.

Oh, and a nice NSV today- my brother asked if I'd lost weight (unheard of!) and I said yes. But he didn't leave it at that- he said "Yes, but like a LOT? A shed-load!" I was so proud to be able to say "Yes, 2 stone!"

Also showed my mum and dad the pics I posted yesterday and they didn't believe it was me!!

So yes, today has been a good day!


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RawrGirl said:
Oh my gosh, you look adorable in your boots, jeans and scarf. So chic! Prince Charming says you have a nice figure, and RawrGirl thinks your legs looks smashing in those jeans.

Thank you so much! I've never been told I look chic before, yippee! And thank you Prince Charming ;) Yes, delighted with the bargain jeans! I shall be wearing them a lot. X
Day 7 and my weigh-in day. Down 5.4lb since last week so just 4.6lb to goal, wow!

I know the first week loss on Lipotrim is usually the biggest so I really don't think I'll do 4.6lb in the coming week. I will keep plodding on though, and see how I get on. I have to be fully re-fed by Dec 8th as this is girly night with meal and wine and if I'm not fully re-fed i'll have a huge gain and carb bloat! So I need to begin refeed on November 30th either way. This gives me 11 days left on Lipotrim! I won't say "11 days to goal" because I know I may not get there by then. It will be a bonus if I do though!

Have a great week everyone. X