Mission Possible

Just checking in on Day 4 of refeed. All going well I think! Feeling quite hungry both between meals and after them, but I suppose this is a side effect of eating again and triggering my brain and stomach!

I did snack yesterday but only on almonds and a few small dips of sugar free peanut butter.

I have this constant fear of piling weight back on, but this is so irrational because the only thing can cause this is me! I suppose deep down I would love to be able to just start eating like a "normal" person but this can't happen unfortunately. I'll always have to be vigilant (although I do plan to enjoy myself once in a while and just let go) I think what gets me down is that I was delighted to hit goal but I can't just lounge around now! It never ends does it?

Wow, I'm moany today! Sorry! Up since 5:30am with a teething toddler so that probably doesn't help ;)

Menu for today is my own homemade cauliflower soup and a toasted muffin, and then for dinner some wholemeal pasta with pancetta and a homemade tomato sauce. Looking forward to it all but of course worries that I'll wake up tomorrow 2 stone heavier!!
Ah sadly maintenance is very tough and as difficult as dieting! I've maintained 9 stone 1 or 2 for a couple of months now - but it's constant vigilance and writing stuff down etc and then reining it in when you've eaten too much.

Perfectly doable of course but tricky!

Just be very careful squish and you'll be fine. Have a read through of my diary if you like - we are quite similar in terms of where we started ( me on CD ) and where we've ended up

Thanks so much Greta. Feeling quite down today with the realisation of maintenance and how tough it's going to be. I suppose the want is always there just to be "normal" but everyone has their cross to bear and really, I'm lucky that my only complaint is that I have a tendency to gain weight!

Will indeed check out your diary, you have done so well. X
Hello Squishy, the bacon and tomato pasta sounds lovely :)

I think that's the only unfair thing about having lost all that weight isn't it? We've worked so hard to get here and then have to carry on working hard to stay here, whilst other people constantly cram junk all day and don't put on a pound. Haha where's the justice?

Have you decided on your final final goal yet or are you just gonna keep eating healthily and see where you end up? x
Hello Squishy, the bacon and tomato pasta sounds lovely :)

I think that's the only unfair thing about having lost all that weight isn't it? We've worked so hard to get here and then have to carry on working hard to stay here, whilst other people constantly cram junk all day and don't put on a pound. Haha where's the justice?

Have you decided on your final final goal yet or are you just gonna keep eating healthily and see where you end up? x

You're right! Feels so unfair! But really I shouldn't grumble, people have to put up with a lot worse!

I think I'd like to just keep going really and see how I get on. My next mini goal is 9st5lb as this would be a 3 stone loss but I'm not in a rush! Secretly I'd love to weigh 8 stone something but don't think that will ever happen ;) x
Right, I'm just coming on here for a rant because hubby is working, so is my best friend, and my mum is busy. I need to vent.

We just had a play date with one little girl my daughter's age (16 months) and a little boy who's 20 months. The problem is the little boy. He is a pusher, hitter, biter, hair grabber, you name it and I've tried to be patient with him as I feel for the mum but today I nearly lost it. My little lady is very sociable and happy to potter around, playing with toys and munching on snacks (oh to be a toddler again!) but this little boy zones in on everything she plays with, and snatches it. Or pulls her off it. Or rugby tackles her. The mum makes him hug my daughter o apologise but even this ends up with him sinking his teeth in or grabbing her hair and not letting go. It's so upsetting to see because my little one doesn't have a clue what's going on. I'm not overprotective by any means but this has really got my mama bear instinct kicking in. The mum threatens time-out etc but nothing ever comes of it. To make it worse, she doesn't drive so I had to give her a lift home. My daughter roared crying all the way home while he just sat there, happy as you like. So you can see why I needed to vent!

The other mum has texted me to say she doesn't want to do play dates with him anymore. I can't blame her! Her daughter got bitten today too! Luckily Wednesday was always our day for play date and from next week, my little one will be in crèche, so I have an excuse to end it. We go to a playgroup on a Monday but there are lots of kids there so the devil-child gets distracted, thankfully.

I feel for the mum because she's new here and keen to make friends, and she's a lovely person, but my patience and politeness is running out quickly. She apologises for his behaviour but that's not really enough. This kid needs Super Nanny or something!

It just makes me sad (on a teary, down day anyway!) because I'd hate to think that there was a kid like that in her crèche. It will be hard enough for both of us after 16 months together, but if there's a bully too, I'd be devastated. I know the teachers wouldn't allow it but I still worry.

Anyway, as I said l'm just having a crappy day. Tomorrow I'll be much better!

Apologies to anyone who actually read this. I just needed to get it out! X
Very par for the course at 20 months ! I wouldn't fret about future bullying as the two don't go together . My eldest - now 14 - was a terrible vicious biter and she is the sweetest girl imaginable now! And my 5 year old liked a good shove - again he is lovely now

What you must do is skip the polite bit. If he hurts your daughter , quickly intervene and say firmly ' oh we do not bite ! ' and remove your child. Therefore you're reinforcing to his mother that it's not acceptable to you whilst not having to directly say it to her. I'd fully expect someone to do this with my child if I wasn't stepping in properly .
Very par for the course at 20 months ! I wouldn't fret about future bullying as the two don't go together . My eldest - now 14 - was a terrible vicious biter and she is the sweetest girl imaginable now! And my 5 year old liked a good shove - again he is lovely now

What you must do is skip the polite bit. If he hurts your daughter , quickly intervene and say firmly ' oh we do not bite ! ' and remove your child. Therefore you're reinforcing to his mother that it's not acceptable to you whilst not having to directly say it to her. I'd fully expect someone to do this with my child if I wasn't stepping in properly .

Thanks Greta! Feeling much better now after a long walk in the bitter cold, and after reading this. You're right, I would hate to think that my daughter was hurting another child and that I missed it. No way this mum missed it but as I said, I feel for her. This could be me in 4 months time! I think it was a combination of me having a grumpy day anyway, and this child's behaviour getting worse every time we meet! The thing is he is very affectionate otherwise, and always gives me a big hug when he sees me! Ugh, parenting is just hard work sometimes!
I will go and have a gander at your before and afters :) I have probably seen them, but as I've seen so many I could be getting confusaled.

Its good that you are afraid of regaining. Be worried when you don't care about it.

Oh god, that devil child sounds awful! I would be exactly the same as you if another kids was doing that to either of mine when they were younger. I would like to think if my daughter did that I would be very fierce with her, say it is not acceptable, and take her home, screaming and crying. Bet if that happens a few times, he would stop.
Hi squishy are we able to have soup on day 4 are we? Sounds lush!!
Sorry to hear u had a bad day, have a nice long bubble bath and pamper yourself! I should be feeling really good about yourself cos I look great! Keep smiling!
How's those scales looking? X
Hi squishy are we able to have soup on day 4 are we? Sounds lush!!
Sorry to hear u had a bad day, have a nice long bubble bath and pamper yourself! I should be feeling really good about yourself cos I look great! Keep smiling!
How's those scales looking? X

Thanks Natalie! Just in from kickboxing so that helped with the grumpy mood! My poor friend who had to hold the punch and kick bags!!

Probably should've had salad for lunch, not soup but didn't have any salad left in the house and couldn't get to the shops so hopefully low cal soup didn't do any damage. Scales are the same but I'm a bit, ahem, blocked up at the moment! No gains though so I'm happy :)
Well both baby and I are feeling a lot better today, woohoo! Kickboxing provided some much needed stress relief.

I have been doing some research on the CC threads about setting my daily cals on MFP. There's a mine of information out there but I think I've got it! I've calculated my TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and I've subtracted 20% as recommended. My only issue is that this leaves my with a huge 1761 cals per day?! Gasp! It's seems like a lot doesn't it?! I've read and understand the theory behind this but still find it scary! I just don't want to start putting weight back on.

I think I will have to build up to 1761 gradually. At the moment I have MFP set to 1600 but am nowhere near hitting that yet as I'm on refeed week and it's low cal.

Obviously all I have to do is eat less calories than I burn on a daily basis and I WILL lose weight. It's the possibility of gains while I find my "sweet spot" that I'm worried about!

Wow, a lot of rambling about this, sorry. Just difficult to get my head around it all.

Feeling a little bloated this morning and up to 138.4 on my scales. I think i may have introduced too many carbs too soon so this is most likely water weight. I also haven't been drinking enough water. It's just so cold that I've been drinking tea instead!

So a list of things I need to do today:

1. Drink more water
2. Shred!
3. Realise that once I eat healthily, I WON'T pile my weight back on. Even if I have a few pounds gain while my body adjusts to food again.
Hi Squish, glad today is a better day!

Number 3 is v important, I honestly believe if you eat sensibly and healthily and exercise you will be fine. Now you are at a healthy weight, the emphasis should remain on that: your health and happiness! I think you will do fab. Don't deny yourself a treat every once a while, life is too short, and now you have suffered a VLCD I am sure you appreciate exactly what a treat is and how often you have feasibly have them.
Try and re feed for as long as possible . It took me 8 weeks to work up to 1500 calories and I can't even eat that amount every day or I'd put on weight. I'm 9 stone now but when I came off CD and introduced calories I was 10 stone 4. I lost 18lbs during my re feed and I'd really advise doing it very gradually indeed. So week one for me was 650 calories a day , week 2 was 750 cals and probably that for week 3 as well and so on and so forth.

It's possible to still drop lbs but it really is a case of being super careful. Which has always slightly depressed me ; )
Try and re feed for as long as possible . It took me 8 weeks to work up to 1500 calories and I can't even eat that amount every day or I'd put on weight. I'm 9 stone now but when I came off CD and introduced calories I was 10 stone 4. I lost 18lbs during my re feed and I'd really advise doing it very gradually indeed. So week one for me was 650 calories a day , week 2 was 750 cals and probably that for week 3 as well and so on and so forth.

It's possible to still drop lbs but it really is a case of being super careful. Which has always slightly depressed me ; )

Thanks Greta! My problem is that once I start eating again I tend to get hungry! I make sure that I fill up on the right foods but unless I'm on an actual food-replacement VLCD, and in Ketosis, I find it very hard to survive on reduced calories. The last time I refed (after 5 weeks on Lipotrim) I gradually upped my cals in line with the increase in my appetite, and managed to lose. I was just impatient to get to goal- hence the most recent stint on LT! X
Very snacky today, grrrr. I'm below my cals limit for the day, but this is helped by exercising twice today. I also just donated blood. Does that use calories?!!

Need to rein myself back in tomorrow. Not that I've been sitting here gorging all day on chocolate etc., but my appetite seems to be a lot bigger than the last time I refed and I don't like it!

Feeling tired and groggy so I think I'll head to bed soon so I'm away from food. Not going to weigh myself until Monday morning (weigh day) as I feel that I'm getting a little obsessed and fanatical about weight, calories, food etc.

My Hairy Dieters Cookbook arrived yesterday so for dinner tomorrow night I'm going to try the pea, feta and mint omelette for my dinner. Sounds yum!
Hi how is the scales looking now ur nearly done with refeed? Have u come up with a diet plan etc for after?
I've decided to delay my refeed for 2 weeks I don't feel completely ready!! I think I'm too scared to be honest lol...
Hi how is the scales looking now ur nearly done with refeed? Have u come up with a diet plan etc for after?
I've decided to delay my refeed for 2 weeks I don't feel completely ready!! I think I'm too scared to be honest lol...

Hi there! Ha, yes it's scary to think of starting to eating again isn't it?! Another 2 weeks on LT is great though, that could be another 7lb or more off so well done. Keep me posted!

Not stepping on the scales until Monday, my weigh in day, because I'm getting obsessed! My tummy feels a little bloated since starting to eat again but besides that I feel fine! My plan is to calorie count with MyFitnessPal to maintain. X
Happy Friday everyone! Good day today calorie wise, although it's not over yet, hee hee ;)

Made an amazing omelette for dinner from the Hairy Dieters' Cookbook. Peas, Feta and Mint. Yum. 382 cals too which I'm happy with. Pic below!

Didn't shred this morning as hubby was leaving late for work and gave me a lie-in. Also have bad bruising on my arm from donating blood which will hopefully be less painful by tomorrow and I'll shred then.

Busy weekend ahead, we're out almost all day tomorrow at a Christening but will be careful with food choices. Going to fill up on slow-cooker apple and cinnamon porridge before we leave.

Oh, and my PB2 powdered peanut butter arrived today! Going to try it in a yoghurt now for dessert.

Have a great weekend everyone. X


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Ooooh, omelette. I shall have one of them soon I think.

Scales are stupid. I was elated yesterday as they showed I had lost four pounds. This morning they showed I have only lost one. ONE!!!!! Blah!!!! I used to go and weigh myself at the machine in boots. May have to start doing that again actually.

Still going strong girly :) Are you going to treat yourself to anything when you get to your goal weight? x
Ooooh, omelette. I shall have one of them soon I think.

Scales are stupid. I was elated yesterday as they showed I had lost four pounds. This morning they showed I have only lost one. ONE!!!!! Blah!!!! I used to go and weigh myself at the machine in boots. May have to start doing that again actually.

Still going strong girly :) Are you going to treat yourself to anything when you get to your goal weight? x

Hello hello! Yeah, scales are the ultimate frenemy aren't they? So nice some days, so evil others.

Yeah, still going ok thanks. Besides today maybe- you can read about that in my entry below ;)

Technically I'm at my goal weight now but have treated myself al the way along so have no specific plans besides some more clothes that actually fit instead of sag, and I need my hair cut and eyebrows threaded! X