Mission Possible

Today was going well until I has a mini chocolate binge. A family friend brought me a bag of Hershey's Kisses from the States (a weakness if mine) so I ate quite a few!! I'm under 2000 cal for the day so not the biggest binge ever but back to my saintly ways tomorrow. I am sending the remaining sweets into work with my husband so that they're out of my reach. I enjoyed them but enough is enough. Don't want to reintroduce old binging habits, especially around Xmas time.

I have been looking for a "casual" dress to wear with my black boots. All my other dresses are too dressy and look wrong with flat boots. Anyway, today I found a lovely cosy grey knit dress in H&M, size Small I might add! I think it will look great with black tights and my boots. Might even wear on Xmas day, although it may be too warm. I'm allergic to wool so I'll need to wear a layer underneath.

Little lady back to crèche tomorrow so I'll finally get to put up the decorations in peace. Maybe then I'll start to feel more Christmassy!

Need a haircut so will get that done next week. Would like something new but I'm a bit tied. My hair only suits me in a short length, jaw length at most, and I have to have a side parting due to a calves' lick (so no fringe either). Anyway, I might ask the hairdresser for advice, once I decide where to go!

Nighty night all. X
Isn't it amazing to fit into a small? RawrGirl never dreamed that was possible...and now look at us! :D
Definitely a great feeling knowing you can go into any shop and know that the clothes will fit with no problem at all. Worst moment ever for me was going into Quiz in Debenhams and asking if they had a skirt in a size 16 and they replied 'we only stock up to size 14'. Awful but never again!

Any chance of a picture of this lovely sounding knit dress? :p
Hee hee, yes, will take a pic! Didn't think I'd get away with mentioning a new dress without posting a photo ;) x
Hmm, this week I need to change my name to SnackyMcSnackerson! I seems I be constantly hungry and picky. TOTM due so it could be a symptom of PMT perhaps. Anyway, I've limited the damage. Over on cals twice this week so far but under 2000 cals on both of those days. The most I can expect at Monday's weigh in is a STS. Shopping done for the weekend and healthy meals planned.
Today has been a better day, phew! Will be under cals for the day. I have still been hungry and snacky but have kept myself busy and distracted. I have a hockey match in the morning so that will earn me some extra cals!

I just seem to be constantly hungry. Maybe it's an after-effect of a stomach bug? My body trying to replace all the calories I lost?!! I just hope it subsides, I don't want any disasters over the Xmas!
Wow. I am so saddened by what has happened to those poor people in Connecticut. I can't imagine what those families are going through right now. It really puts things into perspective. Here I am worrying about whether I'm a few pounds up or down and their lives have been torn apart. I just wish I could give them all a big hug. :(
squishymcfatterson said:
Wow. I am so saddened by what has happened to those poor people in Connecticut. I can't imagine what those families are going through right now. It really puts things into perspective. Here I am worrying about whether I'm a few pounds up or down and their lives have been torn apart. I just wish I could give them all a big hug. :(

Me too. It's so sad. Brings back what happened on dunblane all those years ago.
Yes, very sad. RawrGirl just saw a picture on facebook of one of the teachers who was killed -- a very young pretty girl who, when she heard the gunfire, hid her 1st grade students in cabinets. When the gun man came in, she said the kids were in the gym. He killed her and moved on...but all her kids were safe.

It's so horrible and sad. RawrGirl mentioned to Prince Charming yesterday that when a natural disaster strikes, you can send food or money or clothing, but something like this? You can't send anything...nothing will help, nothing will relieve the pain. :(
Yes, very sad. RawrGirl just saw a picture on facebook of one of the teachers who was killed -- a very young pretty girl who, when she heard the gunfire, hid her 1st grade students in cabinets. When the gun man came in, she said the kids were in the gym. He killed her and moved on...but all her kids were safe.

It's so horrible and sad. RawrGirl mentioned to Prince Charming yesterday that when a natural disaster strikes, you can send food or money or clothing, but something like this? You can't send anything...nothing will help, nothing will relieve the pain. :(

I saw the same story. I'm actually avoiding the news now because I just can't process the sadness. I really wish there was something I could do to help but you're right, there's nothing.
I almost forgot to post a pic of my new wool dress! It's not a great pic as the lighting is bad. The dress is grey but doesn't look like it here. Also, I don't like how my belly pouch stuck out but that's nothing some tummy-control underwear won't fix :)

I need to dress it up with a colourful or chunky necklace as the neckline is quite plain and drains my face a little.

Other than that, I like it ;)


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Um...don't see a belly pouch. RawrGirl thinks it's in your head. You look really cute!

Thanks so much my lovely. Can always count on you to say something nice! X
Monday morning weigh in!

Not much to report. Down 0.2lb which, let's face it, might as well be a STS! I'm actually pretty happy with that as I had two very snacky days where I went above my allowance (but kept below 2000 cals). I was also right about this being linked to PMT as TOTM arrived yesterday.

My only frustration is that I was weighing 1lb less all week (9st 9.something lb) but of course this morning I'm up. Evil scales! But navel and waist are down 0.5 inches each, body fat % down slightly, and water and muscle % are slightly up.

All in all, not a bad weigh in considering the time of year.

Busy week ahead. Tonight I have my first kickboxing grade exam! Actually a little nervous about it as there's one part that we need to perform from memory. Will get some practice in later!

On Wednesday I'm hoping to get a long overdue haircut in time for Xmas. Then maybe I'll do some "me" shopping with some vouchers that I have.

Have a girly meal and drinks on Friday night and I'm hoping it will be more successful than last week's disaster! I'd love to find a nice top to wear out as I usually wear dresses and black tights to cover up as much as possible! I can't remember the last time I wore a dressy top and jeans. Who knows, I might even slap on some fake tan to counteract my extreme Irish paleness!!

I will not be counting cals for the meal but will count strictly all week besides. Would love to drop another pound in time for Christmas and next weigh in is Christmas Eve!
Wow...another .5 inch lost in the waist??? What are you down to now?

Hope your girls night is awesome!

RawrGirl things you will do fab on your kickboxing exam...you will so kick butt!

That's 27 on the waist now. I can't believe it. If only my hips and belly weren't so wide!!

Really looking forward to girls' night after the last disaster but I have a sinus infection now. Haven't been sick all year and December has been a bad month! I'll go to the doctor this afternoon (after shopping and haircut ;) ) to get an antibiotic as that's the only thing that clears it for me. I must be a little run down as I have the BIGGEST cold sore in my nose. It's hideous looking, I hope no one takes photos on Friday night!!

Good news is I passed my exam! I now have an official belt and grade! We watched the next few exams too and I can definitely do those, so will continue in the New Year.

Awesome on the exam! How exciting!!!

RawrGirl has no idea what you are talking about "too wide" in the hips. A 10 inch difference between waist (narrowest point) and hips (widest point -- turn sideways and measure around your body at the place where bum sticks out the most.

Now a 10 inch difference (what RawrGirl has) is a classic hourglass. Men love this.

An 8 inch difference still qualifies as an hourglass.

Less than 8 inch difference and you are closer to the current cultural "idea" of thin. Though not men's first choice, obviously many find it quite appealing, and it's popularity and bazillion of images posted everywhere should help women with these measurements feel quite good about themselves.

A 12 or more inch difference, and you've just stepped into Marilyn Monroe category and are a man's fantasy. You'd look like you wear a corset without having to wear one! Think sexy female comic book characters. If this is you, RawrGirl would be quite jealous.

Point is...with a slim body (showing hint of spine, no back boobs or other flabby bits, etc) as you have, you really can't go wrong with what your waist to hip ratio is. All have their sex appeal. So just find what yours is and decide to love it and flaunt it. And most of all, be confident in it. If you're hourglass, don't wish your curves away...celebrate them. If you aren't, enjoy the fact that you are slimmer. But always remember, to love what you are and know that it is sexy.
Awesome on the exam! How exciting!!!

RawrGirl has no idea what you are talking about "too wide" in the hips. A 10 inch difference between waist (narrowest point) and hips (widest point -- turn sideways and measure around your body at the place where bum sticks out the most.

Now a 10 inch difference (what RawrGirl has) is a classic hourglass. Men love this.

An 8 inch difference still qualifies as an hourglass.

Less than 8 inch difference and you are closer to the current cultural "idea" of thin. Though not men's first choice, obviously many find it quite appealing, and it's popularity and bazillion of images posted everywhere should help women with these measurements feel quite good about themselves.

A 12 or more inch difference, and you've just stepped into Marilyn Monroe category and are a man's fantasy. You'd look like you wear a corset without having to wear one! Think sexy female comic book characters. If this is you, RawrGirl would be quite jealous.

Point is...with a slim body (showing hint of spine, no back boobs or other flabby bits, etc) as you have, you really can't go wrong with what your waist to hip ratio is. All have their sex appeal. So just find what yours is and decide to love it and flaunt it. And most of all, be confident in it. If you're hourglass, don't wish your curves away...celebrate them. If you aren't, enjoy the fact that you are slimmer. But always remember, to love what you are and know that it is sexy.

Thanks RawrGirl! My hips are 34 but this is measured at my actual hip bones (which were buried for years...!) I will measure my widest point later and see what that is. I think the part that really bothers me still is my "saddlebags"- my name for the part where my thigh meets my buttock. This has obviously reduced since losing weight but still needs work ;)

Great NSV today though- picked up some skinny jeans in a fab raspberry colour on sale in GAP in a size 10! (US6). Delighted. X