Mission Possible

Right, weigh in tomorrow morning. Praying that the scales are kind to me. It's been a good week calorie-wise as I've balanced food and exercise well. I definitely exercised a LOT more than the previous week so fingers crossed it makes a difference.

A friend gave me an amazing box of Lindt pralines as a thank you and they are calling my name. They'll be taking a hit tomorrow night before kickboxing!

I'll be back in the morning to report on results....


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Woooohooooo! Down 1.6lb and back in the 9's! Measurements pretty much the same. Scales have been hidden until next Monday.
Squish- how have you been getting on with the peanut butter powder stuff you bought? I saw someone post a pic of chopped bananas and blueberries drizzled in melted peanut butter and am really craving it now! Also have you tried almond butter?
Squish- how have you been getting on with the peanut butter powder stuff you bought? I saw someone post a pic of chopped bananas and blueberries drizzled in melted peanut butter and am really craving it now! Also have you tried almond butter?

I'm not that amazed by the powdered stuff to be honest. It's still sitting in my cupboard and I'm still eating the proper (sugar free) stuff and counting the (high) calories! I'm giving it up for Lent though.

Yes, I like almond butter! Just harder to buy as I have to go to a health food shop for it. I would still choose peanut over almond but I think almond is probably healthier!
Ugh. A great day and then I ruined it with chocolate and a moment of weakness. Need to cop myself on. First step- a run in the morning.

Get it together Squishy, for the love of God.
Oh just feck off!

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Is it just RawrGirl's comp, cuz she can't find the original post by 'weightlosscoach' anywhere. She's just reading along, catching up on friend Squishy's diary, and all of a sudden Squishy is :flamingmad: and RawrGirl is like :eek:
Is it just RawrGirl's comp, cuz she can't find the original post by 'weightlosscoach' anywhere. She's just reading along, catching up on friend Squishy's diary, and all of a sudden Squishy is :flamingmad: and RawrGirl is like :eek:

Ah ha ha, hilarious! Yes, it's disappeared now. I'm not losing it- there was a spammer I swear! Squishy does not have Tourette's!!
Well this week is a struggle. Not sure why. It's like I get a taste for "naughty" food and I'm addicted again. Also, at the back of my mind is the fact that I have a relatively uncontrolled weekend ahead (I'm away without much control over food, although I CAN control portion size if I want to!) I think I'm telling myself "Well, might as well throw this week out the window since the weekend will be bad anyway" Total self-sabotage really.

No matter what, I need to get it together again come Monday morning. Weigh in will probably give me the shock I need.
It is hard...so very hard. RawrGirl has noticed that she is still very much addicted to food, or rather, addicted to overeating, just because it's there. And while she is not overeating due to the diet, she knows mentally that nothing has changed. And she needs to figure out how to change that or she's going to be yo-yoing all the time. And even if it doesn't sound that bad to be yo-yoing between 122 and 129 (if she can even manage to stay under 130), she does not want to be dieting forever just to maintain. Suppossedly legalizing all food allows one to not overeat...RawrGirl plans on doing that, she just hope that it actually works.

Point is, she feels for your pain in struggling with portion control, and wishes you all the best this weekend!
Hi squish- I think its tough toward the end of Jan, its cold- boring- depressing etc etc it seems ages to summer and comfort food is just what we feel like when its dark and chilly outside! You've come so far that if this last bit takes longer its no bad thing really :)
Thanks so much ladies. Still hanging in, just about. Have been over my cals most days but not by thousands. I'm still well under 2000 each day. I think I just need to accept that I'll gain this week and start afresh on Monday. The only possible "bad" day next week is Saturday and other than that I can stick to home-prepared low cal meals. I'll be having a very good 2 weeks which will bring me up to Pancake Tuesday, wherein I will make a huge pig of myself before giving up all and sundry for Lent. May even consider a week or two of Lipotrim to shift the last of this. To be confirmed....
Hiya squishy!!! How are you?! Have been reading ure dIary on and off to see how you're getting on!

Lovely to see you've not completely gone of the bandwagon! Teeheehee! Interesting all this food talk, im so scared of maintaining, i guess 'legalising' all food doesnt mean ure denying anythinf, its just once i have one biccy....why not finish the whole pack off?! Lol. Not good.

You are doing really well, why not spend some time maintaining rather than worry about losing? There is always lipotrim (will your pharmacy give it to you now your a healthy bmi? I had to get an overweight friend to get me sum! The things we do) but restart is sooo much harder. However if you put your mind to it, you can get rid of it super quick with lipotrim! I manAged to get down to 8st 6lbs (woohoo) just the week or so before xmas. Was a size 8-10, felt fab, didnt do refeed and lost the plot big time. Restarted in jan, 2 falling if the wagons and back on it. Not weighing as im just getting obsessed by the scale. For me i want to 'finish' off with lipotrim and get back to goal
Cos i know CC or WW or SW it would take me forever to get there, i used to exercise like mad before, 2 hours gym daily, body pump, spinning, did WW and never got under 9st 3lbs. Just couldnt lose any more, altho LT is hRd at least my body is losing the fat if it makes sense. Once i finish LT i plan on doing SW. Will be super interesting to see if i follow plan how my body reacts. The last thing i want is to be skinny N miserable cos if i eat ill put weight on!

Will not panick!!