Thank you my dear. Hope you're still feeling better today and looking forward to the weekend!
Aw, no food dreams last night ladies, sorry! Off to a 2nd birthday party tomorrow though so no doubt I'll fantasise about cake all night! Will keep you posted of course. x
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Birthday party sounds tough! RawrGirl feels for you! Just keep one thing in mind (this is RawrGirl's downfall, ignore if not also yours) if you do give in, don't binge. 100 or even 500 calories more than intended really is much different than 1000 or 3000 calories more. Don't let your mind tell you that, "oh, I blew it now, might as well enjoy myself." RawrGirl has done that so many times.
The other night, she made a list of all the things she ate in just one dining out "celebratory meal" and looked up the nutrition content and realized it was in excess of 5000 calories.

For crying out loud, her favorite food is pizza with crust dipped in jalapeno cheese sauce and THAT is only 1000 (she eats 3 slices). When she realized this, she was dumbfounded. Part of her maintenance plan is: If RawrGirl wants pizza, RawrGirl can have pizza. Better a 1000 calorie splurge than constantly saying no, no, no, and then going out to eat and gorging herself on 5000 calories.
All that to say...RawrGirl knows you CAN survive the party 100% on track. Please don't misinterpret the above to mean she thinks you can't do it (she just knows herself, lol). If she was in your situation, this is what she would do: cut out a pic from a magazine of a dress or outfit that you would kill to wear, and every time you get tempted, pull it out of your pocket and stare at it for a minute or two and tell yourself if you don't eat now, you can wear that dress at Christmas. Imagine all the compliments at Christmas. Imagine the high of knowing how stunning you look. No food that lasts but seconds on your taste buds is worth denying yourself the confidence of knowing how great you will look in but a few months! (And remind yourself, that even if just one slice of cake, etc *might* not stop you from reaching your Christmas goal, one slice at this party, one slice at the next, etc. etc, will. There will be many temptations along the way, and if you pick a little here and pick a little there, nothing will truly change. There will be parties even at goal, that you will know not to have anything. RawrGirl has decided that one of her maintenance tricks will be to choose which parties she treats herself to "treat" food and which she will only have healthy "food"...not all of them will have food "worth" eating.
For instance, the grocery store has this triple chocolate cake by the slice that RawrGirl LOVES. She knows it's high calorie (probably 1000 -- it's HUGE!) Even though she splits it with Prince Charming, or saves the other half for next night anyway (eating whole slice makes her's THAT huge), she rarely buys it. But she thinks nothing of going out to eat with Prince Charming and after a 4000 calorie meal, eating a 500 calorie brownie with fudge that is mostly good, but not great. So RawrGirl figured something out: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER buy dessert at a restaurant EVER again. From now on, RawrGirl will forgo dessert in restaurant, and buy that slice of cake instead. To avoid that cake, RawrGirl has gone to a different shop and bought a little of this and a little of that because she knows it's "bad" to buy the chocolate cake, and yet probably ends up eating just as many calories anyway.
In summary, RawrGirl realized that her favorite treat in the world is pizza (1000) with 1/2 slice triple chocolate cake (500). That's only 1500. If she drinks a shake for breakfast and lunch on that day, her calories will be under 2000. So for a "normal" amount of calories, she can have EXACTLY what she wants, which will probably eliminate her urge to binge on this, that, and the other thing, in her avoidance of what she really wants...and will mostly likely allow her to maintain her weight.
Didn't mean to hijack your thread! Sorry! All that is to say, whatever you REALLY want probably isn't at this party anyway, so whatever *is* there, is not worth derailing yourself from your diet for. (If it is there, pull out the pic of your dream outfit pic!). Either way, Go Squishy! You can make it!