Mission Possible

Day 21! 3 whole weeks at 100%, yippee! And more importantly, another weekend down. Weekends are definitely the hardest but I've now realised that I CAN cope without a takeaway on a Saturday night- shock horror. I really think that by doing a TFR I've broken some very bad habits that we had settled into as a family. Not to mention EXPENSIVE habits! Yes, Lipotrim is an expensive diet (especially when unemployed!!) but I think I have probably saved money as I haven't been popping to the local shop for a sandwich (and the rest!) every day, or ordering takeaways etc.

So my pharmacy weigh-in is this evening. Looking forward to it. (Don't think I ever looked forward to a WW weigh-in!) I took my measurements this morning and since starting I have lost a total of:

4 inches from my waist
3 inches from my hips
5.5% body fat
2.8 of my BMI

I have also gained muscle, water and a small bit of bone density.

So...even though my weight was still stuck at 11st 2.4lb this morning (0.4lb off my 10% target, grr), my body is showing real signs of progress.

Not going to update my stats here until I've had my pharmacy weigh-in as there scales always reads a little lighter than mine ;)

Miserable Monday morning here, dark and wet, but meeting an old colleague for a cuppa later and going to do a spot of window shopping too.

Happy Monday everyone, the start of a fresh week. X

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Ooh, I love filling in my weekly stats on MyFitnessPal, especially when the graphs look like this...

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Great job at sticking at it for 3 weeks 100%, that is some dedication! I definitely don't think I would have been able to manage that. And can't believe how much you've lost as well! Almost 20lbs now is it? When will you be starting to eat proper food again? x
tweekedgirl said:
Great job at sticking at it for 3 weeks 100%, that is some dedication! I definitely don't think I would have been able to manage that. And can't believe how much you've lost as well! Almost 20lbs now is it? When will you be starting to eat proper food again? x

Thanks! It's 16.6lb so far (going by my scales) so have 6lb to go until pharmacy target, then another 3lb to my personal target, then hopefully a bit more off with WW. When I get to pharmacy target I'll have a healthy BMI which is really important to me. Ideally I'd love to get to 9st 13lb, just to say I'm in the 9's ;)

I'm hoping I'll only need another 2 weeks MAX on TFR before I start to refeed. Chubby fingers and toes crossed! X

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hannahsmumwillshrink said:
Well done I hope weigh in this evening is ok. Your graphs look great!! Love the ski slope!

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Thanks hannahsmum! Lost 3lb at weigh-in which ties in with my own scales. Would love more but that's just me being greedy (nothing new there!!) x

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hannahsmumwillshrink said:
Woohoo! Onwards and downwards. Hopefully 2nd last week x

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Fingers crossed! Thanks! X

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Day 22-Aaaarrrgggghhh! Weighed myself this morning and I'm UP half a pound! Grr!! So disheartening so I've come on here to rant rather than stuffing my face with something!

I know half a pound isn't much in the grand scheme of things, and that weight can fluctuate daily, AND that I shouldn't even BE weighing myself every morning but I'm still annoyed. I was so close to losing my 10% body weight and now I'm a step further away. How can my weight go up when I'm only eating 420 bloody calories a day?!! The only thing I did differently was have 1 shake and 2 soups yesterday so maybe the soup was the culprit.

Today's plan of action is: drink buckets of water and have one, or no, soup to see how I get on.

Have an old friend coming for lunch today with her two little boys. I've told her I had a tummy bug over the weekend so I have an excuse for not eating! The weather has even miserable here, wet and windy so haven't been able to get the dog and baby out for a walk. Tonight I'm going to start Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and see if it boosts my loss.

Sorry for the rant folks but feeling better now!

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Hey Squishy, great job on the 3lb weight loss at your weigh-in. I honestly wouldn't worry about being up half a pound in one day. As you said yourself, we fluctuate on a daily basis so you can't take what they say on any one day as the gospel truth. I also wouldn't recommend just drinking water! It might even have the opposite effect and you could find you go up again tomorrow. Just carry on as you are doing eating your shakes and soups as this is really working for you and you will get there soon enough x
Thanks Tweekedgirl! Sorry, meant to say that I'll be having water and shakes as usual, just no soup! Ha, I wouldn't survive on just water for very long!

Thanks for your support too. I know there's no point fretting over a silly half pound! I was just really excited to hit my 10% this morning and it's like my scales knew that and are plotting against me...!

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Ah sorry I didn't see this this morning. I woul have told you to throw away tour scales and don't let that hump of metal dictate your mood. You are doing soo well and in a week even more pounds will have gone. Keep going hon not long to go

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hannahsmumwillshrink said:
Ah sorry I didn't see this this morning. I woul have told you to throw away tour scales and don't let that hump of metal dictate your mood. You are doing soo well and in a week even more pounds will have gone. Keep going hon not long to go

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Aw, thank you. After my little rant here I just copped myself on and got on with my day. Drank plenty of water and stayed 100% and that's all I can do! X

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Day 23 and I have one word- WOOHOO!

Stepped on my ultimate frenemy, the scales, this morning and lo and behold, I weight 11st1.8lb which means I have met my mini-goal of losing 10% of my body weight. If you google this, you'll see that this is a big boost health wise. Yippee! Looking forward to updating my signature below with another "Done"!

I did realise that I had been adding some salt to my sachet of soup and this may have contributed to water weight and my slight gain yesterday morning. So no more salt. Which is a shame because I LOVE salt but I think I'll love being slim more ;)

All in all I'm plodding along nicely. Have been meeting friends this week but I just bring a peppermint tea bag with me and explain that I'm "trying to be good". Nobody's questioned it so far. I've managed to avoid my best friend for almost a month now (we talk on the phone every day) but we are having a DVD night on the 5th of October. I cannot wait to see if she notices! She has been skinny all her life so would have no idea what I've been through (and would think I'm crazy!) I've told her I'm dieting etc but just not how. I'm hoping to be in the 10's by then too (only 3lb to go!)

Kickboxing tonight and looking forward to the exercise. It's been so miserable here that the dog hasn't had any walks, poor guy!

Onwards and downwards to my next goal. X

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hannahsmumwillshrink said:
Well done! Another target achieved!! Hope kick boxing was fun :)

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Thank you! X

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