Nearly half a stone gone already, zeke - that's fabulous! Well done!
I don't blame you for not wanting to read the link I posted, btw - probably best to leave that stuff until you're much further down the line. I'm always trying to cross my bridges before I get to them, lol.
I went ahead and ordered a couple of the hairy dieters' books the other day and they arrived this morning, so I shall be having some fun later on going through them. We can compare notes when I get going with them!

I'm fond of the food that I currently make, but it
is high time I gave my menus a bit of a shake-up - so easy to get in a rut with these things, isn't it?
When doing ww - I used to pretty much bank on losing 7 lbs in the first two weeks followed by an average of 2 lbs/week for the next 8 weeks followed by a 2 week plateau before losing a bit slower....but that may be because after 10 weeks the cheating started a bit!
Maybe, but probably more likely just a result of your smaller body needing less fuel (not only does your basal metabolic rate reduce in line with your mass, but it takes less fuel to move around, so you burn less during activity as well) and your body putting the brakes on a bit because
it doesn't actually want to lose the fat stores, never mind what you want, lol.
But that's where being meticulous about recording everything you consume will pay dividends: last go round, I had plenty of weeks of being absolutely on plan, knowing 100% that I was eating at an appropriate deficit, yet still staying the same, or even experiencing a slight gain! Had I not been on a regime that gave me the reassurance of knowing
exactly what I'd eaten, I would undoubtedly have gotten frustrated and thrown in the towel, but because I knew I hadn't cheated, I persevered and was rewarded by sudden drops of 3lbs in a week every so often - that's just how it goes for me when I get to the later stages of a diet.
So if you keep up with the precise (or close as you can get it) calorie-counting, you'll know whether you cheated or not, and if you haven't, then it will simply be a natural slowing down process.
Phew... think that's enough waffling in your diary
Hope you have a lovely time with your in-laws today - and that cake sounds lush!