Silver Member
Thanks Bex
Weekend! New Week!
This week I aim to:
* Do Pilates every day (5 mins+)
* Try out at least 2 new Hairy Dieters recipes
* Look up some of the quick SW red recipes I used to use and work out the kcals for them (prawn curry etc)
* Do more cleaning/decluttering in downtime
* Make Packed lunches for work (so that I stay there longer and avoid bringing work home!)
* Try some evening walks (but do not aggravate foot - it is definitely getting better!), especially when the munchies strike
* Spend more time with DS
* Do the above rather than posting in diary (once or twice a day is plenty!)
That's probably enough!
Now it's not getting dark so early it definitely a good time so do evening walks - that's what i loved doing last summer and listening to music whilst doing it really motivated me!
I've got the HB Aisan Adventre cookery book and there are some interesting recipes in there - have you used that at all? Which HB books do you use? I've also got Hairy Dieters Book 1 which I've not looked at in a while but will dust it off tonight and have a thumb through!