Missy Fatpants
Full Member
Whoo hoo 3Lb loss this week 

I ony managed half hour at the gym, im absolutely shattered this morning, im just not used to getting up. My body actually feels exhausted and i could really do with going back to sleep for an hour....but my youngest has just got up....so ill just have to have a shower instead! I think its going to be a long day!
Oh i also need to confess....last night i ate a huge bar of dairy milk and had 2 pints of coke
My star week is due and it always eaves me craving chocolate so bad. I put on my facebook that i wanted coke n chocolate but had none....20 mins later there was a knock at my door (10pm) and on ym doorstep was a mahuuusive bar of dairymilk and a bottle of coke.....and my admirer stood by his car (he has been asking me for months to go for a drink with him).....and i ate the lot :cry:

I ony managed half hour at the gym, im absolutely shattered this morning, im just not used to getting up. My body actually feels exhausted and i could really do with going back to sleep for an hour....but my youngest has just got up....so ill just have to have a shower instead! I think its going to be a long day!
Oh i also need to confess....last night i ate a huge bar of dairy milk and had 2 pints of coke