missyb - first week down!

We've got her booked in for tomorrow to see the vets, but I strongly suspect they will want to put her down. It's not fair to keep her on like this.

I went to WI in the end, I felt better for a bit and weighed in at 16st on the dot. I asked my leader if I could start a new record sheet as they lost my last one, so strictly speaking my starting weight is 16st!

I haven't eaten so well today but largely because I met up with a friend who insisted we went somewhere that I couldn't point, I ended up having a burger but took the sauce and stuff out of it, still, it wasn't great but I was hungry. I am going to spend the afternoon looking through my recipes, writing them down and getting a feel for what I can make over the next couple of days.

Rob is over for the next couple of nights which will be nice :)
Awww sorry to hear about kitty...so sad when they're like that..whoever says that they're only pets have no idea what they're talking about.. will be thinking of you tomorrow xx
I hope kitty is better, or at least more comfortable.
She was put down yesterday, ive done so much crying and I cant even say RIP on facebook as his family want to make sure no one hears it 2nd hand. I miss her so much.
Thanks, trying to stay happy. I was relieved as when i went and saw her she looked so sad. I didnt want her to have to spend another hour like that so in a way i am glad that she has gone now. But i will miss everything about her *crying as i type* and i have so many photos and videos of her that i took recently as i was worried she was getting old now, but i cat even look at them they just break my heart.
Ive never had a pet of my own or liked animals before her, or had anything/one diet, so im finding it hard to cope with.
Sorry for making your thread so sad just as its started. Im sorry
Hey im so sorry to hear about your cat,my cat who i had to have put to sleep in feb of this year was called Tilly aswell :cry:

Is it today you are going to the vets with her? I cried buckets & felt so guilty i had to make the awful decision & still do.

When i had to have miffy put to sleep (2009) it was such a shock (she was only ill for a weekend) & the vet said he could feel a tumour in her tummy so there was no question about what to do,she had to go & i think i coped better cos she hadnt been ill for a long time like tilly had.

Lots of love & hugs for you hun xxxxxx
Well, we are back from the vets. I didn't cry until they put the injection in her leg to put her to sleep and she suddenly yelped, she's not meowed for days really and then she just slipped away. The vet was really good, we had a different one to normal but was very informative and kind. We had to walk through the surgery and everyone was looking but I didn't give a chit, I just wanted to get her home.

She's out of pain now which is the main thing, she'd completely lost use of her back legs this morning.

Needless to say WW isn't really happening today but it's not a total disaster either

Thank you everyone and big hugs to you all xxx
Hugs honey!!
I know there is nothing i can say to make it better, but you know my thoughts are with you and that i understand. x
Thank you x Oddly enough a song came on when we were coming back from the vets and it's so sad, one of the lyrics is "Now don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky, it slips away" and that makes me think of her, she couldn't hang on forever, she is out of pain. Doesn't make me feel much better :( xxx
Hey there missus, I had popped in after you posted in my diary and I am so sad to read about your cat..like you say she is out of pain now, but it doesn't make it hurt any less..plus I think you were so brave to be there for her when she was being put to sleep..xoxo
Aww Bex's that is so sad hen
I know when we lost Silver puddy tat
after 17 years it was just like losing a relative
things will get easier and you'll be able to remember
your puddy tat with lovely memories
even though you probably don't feel like you'll be able to
at the moment
I wrote a letter to her, with all my meories and things i will miss about her. It helped me, it meant i could tell her all the things i wanted her to know and tell her how much she meant to me. i just found it helped me to not think about all the what ifs. might be worth a try for you xxx
Thank you everybody, it means a lot. Zack, the cat that is older than her is still going strong :) Alfie, the dog couldn't work out where she had gone last night, it was heart breaking when we put her away and he kept trying to look for her.

She was quite an unsociable cat, we never had hugs with her as she preferred to be left alone, but she was lovely and sweet natured and liked chin rubs.

Anyway, today is the day, I feel a bit better this morning so I have a cup of green tea and will have some breakfast in a bit.
Its funny because my tilly was exactly the same,very unsociable & even swiped us a few times!, towards the end she too would come for chin rubs but only on her terms!

My other 2 boys (now 17) are very affectionate,im dreading it when they go...

Have a good weekend hun & it will get easier each day x
I am feeling better today - I know she is better off in a peaceful world where she doesn't need to worry anymore. I took a photo of her in the vets which I have as my background on my phone :)

I'm on the wagon today, it feels really good. So far today I've had:

1 slice of small Warburtons - 1pt
Grapefruit - 0.5pt
Milk - 0.5pt

Turkey Breast Sub - 4pt
Velvet Crunch - 1pt
Apple - 0.5pt

2 slices of Warburtons wholemeal - 1.5pts

= 9pts/25pts

We're having a jacket spud for dinner tonight with beans and a salad, am really looking forward to it, especially as I'll be able to have 1 and a half spuds as I've had a low point day so far :D

Just slurping a coffee as I think I'm having caffeine withdrawals!