Thank you my cherubs, you are very kind. Nana seems to be okay, she was going to come and stay with me and my Mum but she says she can cope fine at home. Least she has the option.
My friend ended up getting completely trashed last night judging by the 3am phonecalls. Rob was round last night and neither of us slept well; he's got a cold (again) and I felt sick, so we were up about half 4 smoking cigs and chatting chit. We finally got to sleep and woke up at 10! Whoops.
Went into town, Rob wanted some poloshirts and to get his sister her birthday present but she's being a bit of a moocow at the moment, she has some problems but absolutely will not get help for them and she's putting Rob's mum and rest of the family under cr*p loads of pressure to not upset her. Honestly she is behaving like a teenager at the moment, locking R's mum out of the house if she's there, shouting and screaming and throwing tatrums. I feel really sorry for her because I was like that when I was a teenager but she's 30 and I just wish she would accept some help. She has a young daughter and it's not fair for Lyds to see her mother behaving that way. Anyway, she ended up telling Rob she didn't want anything for her birthday as she didn't see the point. *shrug*
I went into Coast to have a look at their dresses as I still need something for my cousins x 2 wedding - even though I wouldn't buy anything yet. Ha, it was hilarious - I picked up an 18 and it wouldn't even go down my hips - it was one of those dresses that hug the hips but I didn't realise when I picked up because I'm a douche. Such a pretty dress though.
Had a salad at Subway, Rob went home to go to bed as he felt rubbish and I went to a sports shop to get a running t-shirt, then came home and went running - what a joke - I thought I was fitter than that! I've started the Couch to 5k programme which states you job for 60 sec followed by 90 secs of walking for 20 mins. I think I managed it, I ran down in bursts to the Tesco's about 1.5 miles away and back again. Anyway I've managed about 7 Activity Points today so it's all okay.
Am a bit worried about WI tomorrow - stupid scales that are totally wrong have me down as 15st 10lbs but I very much doubt I am that considering I was 16st 5lbs on Saturday! Even if I have been to the toilet