Missyb - no more messing around.

Big hugs, hope the weekend has gone ok, and the move back has been smooth :)
Welcome to the 10lb challenge!!! You'll probably whoop my tush!!! haha, bring it ooonnnnnn!!!!!

Have a fab week m'dear! x
Aw hun I'm sorry to hear this.

I hope the move goes ok for you

It's a total pain in the bottom but I guess health comes first. Not sure how I'm going to cope without being around Rob all the time as he was and is my rock, but we shall see. I'm sure it'll be okay in the long run, just gives us a chance to think things through a bit better.

I've stuck to the plan today, although I was craving food at around 11am (stupid me for forgetting to have breakfast, have amended that for tomorrow!) but after a mammoth boll0cking at Halifax (from me) that took about an hour by the time I was out I was gagging for a fag and then forgot about lunch! In the end I had a subway and a packet of M&S crisps (5 points) and a coffee light from Starbucks (hopelessly addicted and 2pts) an apple and a yoghurt (1pt) = 8pts so far. Got a curry for dinner tonight with some WW naan bread...am looking forward to it already! Think that is about 8pts and I'm still on 25 so will have to make up some.

Did a bit of walking today too so until I get back my gym stuff I won't be able to go running - I think I'm going to leave it till I hit 15st anyway - 8.5lbs to go!

Well that's good to confirm... :D
Curry sounds good, hope it was worth the wait! It's great when you spend all day looking forward to something and it just hits the spot!!x
Considering all thats been going on for you you still sound chirpy so im glad about that:D

Its good to have you back, you will make a beautiful bridesmaid whether you have lost any more weight or not...just make sure you post a pic for us to see! xxx
Heh, thanks girls. I don't remember if I told you but I tried on my Bridesmaids dress (it's an 18) and it fits perfectly, and it's quite a small cut, so losing a stone (fingers crossed) before the wedding (middle of next month) shouldn't make too much difference.

I opted for Chilli Con Carne for dinner tonight as I'd bought it from Sainsbo's a couple of days ago and the expiry was today, waste not want not! It was really nice actually! I'll have the curry with the naan tomorrow. Not sure what is happening tomorrow but I need to go to the doctors to sort out my medication, and to see an eye specialist because my optomoterist thought I might have early signs of glacoma...not good. Sorry my spelling is chite tonight, I swear my brain is shutting down slowly as we speak!

Still have 8pts to use for the rest of the day so may have a bit of toast and marmite or a biscuit etc. Wish I'd picked up that reduced packet of melon at the supermarket now, I well fancy it!

Just been catching up on your diary

I do hope everything goes better for you with the move back home. Health is the most important things so get the doctor and optician sorted soon as

Positive vibes coming your way for this week
Bexster - good to hear you are keeping your chin up despite all the stuff you've got going on chicky. Sending you positive vibes.

And like Nik said - you'll have 8.5lbs gone in no time, you've proved that before!
Good luck at the docs x
Hey lovelies,

Day 2 over and done with and the start of D3. I have my WI today so I doubt I will have lost anything but it will be SO good to go to my old meeting and see all my old friends and leader, who I've been texting a bit.

Doctors was okay - I've not seen him in ages and he said how well I was looking - I have my highest recorded weight on there of 122kg (for some reason they do it in kg?) but I think I must have been heavier than that (I just worked it out, I was 125kg when I started) and I'm now 97kg. Doesn't really sound like alot does it!

We chatted about my medication and he's upped my dosage for a couple of weeks to see if it makes any difference. I do feel better now I'm back in Norwich though so it may have been a symptom of something just not being right, if that makes sense.

I potted around town for a bit and then walked back, ate some food (snack and tea) and ended up going to bed about midnight after saying I was going to get an early night!

I ate 22.5pts out of 25 yesterday, which is much better than the 17pts I was doing before I went on "holiday"

WI in soon....eek!

Glad the doctors went ok for you Bex
and sorry to hear about the early signs of glacoma
that is not good at all
hope today is ok for you chicklet
Sounds like you've had a rough time recently, but well done for hanging in there with the WW,cant always be easy, but you've done so well! xx
Good luck with WI Bex. BTW - actually kilos doesn't give you the right idea. Kg are so much heavier, you've actually lost 112 packs of butter! That's ruddy loads!
Hello lovely ladies.

Sorry I've not been about - had a day off plan when the chit totally hit the fan and I was running around like a headless chicken.

I lost 4.5lbs at WI, so down to 15st 4lbs (but I've put on about 3lbs according to the scales, so god knows what I am now) but everything seems a bit pathetic in perspective, one of my old friends who I used to be very close to committed suicide on Tuesday. She's had loads of problems with anxiety and was hospitalised in a secure mental health unit for the majority of this year, but they let her out, so we've assumed that tehre is going to be a full investigation. Just makes you think a bit I guess.

Yesterday I was back at the flat with Rob sorting stuff out and I just couldn't be bothered to point and I drank wine liberally and cried a bit. Today I've been back on it!

So yeah, lost 4.5lbs, picked up my new glasses which promptly gave me a headache but I'll take a photo later and show y'all.

Big love, sorry for the depressing reply. xxx