Missyb - no more messing around.

Hey lovely ladies!

I'm up stupid early as I'm moving all my junk from my flat to my Mum's today - I'm not looking forward to it because a) I hate moving and b) I'm a bit hungover :rolleyes:

Nothing much has been happening my end, apart from looking for jobs and trying to sort out banks and chit like that. I did go into Primarni on Thursday and tried on a pair of size 18 trousers, just for comparison like, to see how far away I am from fitting in - they were a bit tight, but give it a month and they'll fit a treat! :D

Last night I went to a 70's club night that my friend's Dad hosts - She's a make up artist so I had to catch the bus sans make up, I looked a right state! Got there, had my make up done, shoved my heels on and then got a drink - I should have stuck to diet coke but had a few g&t's (slimline tonic, obv) so I'm feeling a bit woozy today, mainly because I was in a rush to get to the social club and skipped dinner. I did have quite a lot of food before that though as I thought that may have been the case (including 4 chicken nuggets from McDonalds :cry:)

Anyway, I walked loads yesteday and did a lot of dancing, so earnt 12 BP's. I take it with a pinch of salt as I doubt I did that much!


aww you look lovely and your makeup is fantastic :)

i love your top btw - where is it from? x
You have got such a killer smile!! :)
Well done on the activity points... putting me to shame... I need to step up the game a little!!!
Have a good week!! x
Not popped in before but thought I'd pop in to say well done for the 2lbs loss. Hope your having a good weekend.
Hey hey Miss Becca......don't know why i'm not subscribed to your diary but I defo am now!!!

Just want to say how gorgeous you are my lovely, as said previously, you have a killer smile and fantastic fashion tastes, all your pics are stunning chick.

Hope you've had a lovely weekend and being good foodwise!!!

Another vote for your fabulous smile Bex. Lovely stuff and the photos are very glam :)
Aw ladies, thank you. I do quite like my smile as I had so much work done on my teeth when I was a teenager, so I try and keep them in tiptop condition.

Anyway, tis been a couple of days since I've been around these parts - have finally moved into my Mum's, given the landlord back the keys (he wasn't as scary as I thought he would be) and managed to fall off the wagon ever so slightly.

I've tried to eat better this week; less crap, more food and points etc. I'm still not really managing it but am getting better - I had a leggera pizza on Sunday (lush) and today I have been a bit silly - I was starving by 2pm and needed something to eat - Wetherspoons was heaving (where we normally go as I can point there) so went to another pub (non-chain) - I should have had the salad really but instead had half a roast chicken (gah) with peri peri sauce - I managed to get rid of about half of the skin, and had a jacket potato with it instead of chips. Rob ordered some onion rings and I had three of them :D Whoops. I have no idea WHY it's always the day before WI that I go a bit batchit, but I weighed myself before the mini binge and I was 16st 8lbs - I'll be lucky if I weigh that tomorrow!

Oh, I forgot, I had a mint magnum as well - 6.5 freaking points. It was well nice though.

I'm going to skip dinner (still full anyhow) and will be 10 points over for the day - I had 13 saved up (and then some) so maybe I'll get away with a STS this week.

I must must must focus harder - I've been a bit slack with the exercise this week (apart from lifting and shiz like that) and not so good with the eating and I can't lose focus now!

Peace out x
Don't you worry about it Bex - we all have a little slip now and then and you sound like you had it under control with saved points etc.
Good luck for the WI.
Glad the move went well chicky :)
That doesn't sound too bad! You pulled most the skin off and chicken is pretty good, plus a jacket spud isn't bad either. 3 onion rings ain't no binge, fool! ;)

I'm back from WI and food shopping. Sitting here with hair dye on me locks and my joggers on.

I lost 5.5lbs - I have absolutely no idea why, how, where, etc. I was very shocked to say the least. And to think I wasn't going to go! I got my third pebble (3st 3lbs lost) and another silver seven. 5 pounds till 50lbs! :D

Oh my goodness Bex - that's brilliant work. I hope you are feeling pleased with yourself. Make sure you're sticking to your points chicky :)

P.S. What colour is the hair then?
I don't think I could ever lose that much in one week, even when I did the cabbage soup diet it wasn't that much. Bravo!
Aw Bex i'm so chuffed for you 5.5lbs is awesome!!!!
Your really doing ace and you've now given me the inspiration to push myself for the rest of this week for a good loss on monday!!!
