Missy's Diary - last trimester and project wedding dress!!


Full Member
Right then ladies, I've decided to bite the bullet and start a diary to keep me on track for the last 10 weeks of my pregnany as this is when I gained most of the weight during my last 2 pregnancies. This weekend the scales have gone up by 2.5lbs, it's entirely my fault as I fell headfirst into a biscuit barrel, and didn't stop until they were all gone :-( my main eating trigger is boredom, I can't be in the house on my own. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and will be arranging to meet friends and family for walks to keep me out of the house..
Please pop on here and support me, I'm getting married 4th June next year and this is my main reason for keeping the pregnancy weight to a gain of between 2&3 stone. X
So here is today's food plan:

Brekkie: Coffee with milk (hexa) 1 Apple

1hr body pump at gym, 1 ltr water

snack: coffee with milk (hexa) banana

lunch: omelette with ham, mushroom and cheese (hexa) salad, salad cream (2), fruit, yoghurt

snack: velvet crunch crisps (4), 1 ltr water

dinner: beef and mushroom stroganoff (3), rice, chopped mango and sugar free jelly (0.5)

hopefully that hat should fill me up for today!!

So yesterday was a success! We didn't have the stroganoff for dinner as I forgot to put it in the slow cooker but I made a SW friendly pasta bake instead.

Things are finally starting to come together at our house, the upstairs bathroom is nearly finished, OH has fitted new bannisters on the stairs (with a broken collarbone), and half the kitchen is plastered - we might actually have a fully functioning house to live in before baby arrives!!! My job is to get the rest of the painting done - this involves glossing 10 doors and painting the walls in the downstairs hallway, up the stairs and the landing, so im starting tomorrow and hope to get it done by 15th June as we are having the flooring fitted then. This might seem like ages to get it done, but we go on holiday next week so im going to have to do it inbetween packing for 4 of us, cleaning the house, and then the inevitable washing and unpacking on our return - but it WILL get done lol

Todays food plan:

Brekkie: Banana and coffee with milk (hex a)

45 min spin class, apple

Meeting a friend for coffee after so will have a skinny latte (rest of hex a)

Lunch: Eggy bread (hex b) with bacon, fruit, yoghurt, quavers (4.5)

Snack: ham, pickled onions, cheese (hex a)

Dinner: Mushroom stroganoff (its in the slow cooker already!), rice (3), will have some raspberries and a sf jelly (0.5) afterwards

Hi Missy here to subscribe! Sounds like you've got lots to keep you busy, these next ten weeks are going fly in!
Missy you're doing fabulously! I'm not sure how you manage to fit everything into your day! Sounds as though your husband is doing well with the house stuff - especially with a broken collar bone.

Looking forward to reading more of your diary as your food always sounds fantastic.
Aww thanks ladies, it's great to have some support, I am so worried about looking good in a wedding dress next year!xx
You will look fabulous! You already have such a good routine in terms of keeping fit while pregnant...I can barely walk to the end of the road so you're a real inspiration to me going to spin class and glossing doors :D

Have you started looking at dresses yet or are you waiting?
Hi Daisy - no I daren't look at wedding dresses yet as everything would fit badly and I would just get upset! I'm going to wait until January, so far we have booked venue, registrar and I've just ordered flower girl dresses. Save the date cards are next! I would love to get as much sorted as possible before baby comes so I don't have to stress about it with a newborn.

I spent 3 hours painting yesterday and was so shattered afterwards that I had to have a nap for an hour! Today I'm taking it easy, OH is taking me out for lunch and a spot of shopping so food is looking like this:

Brekkie: 2 x coffee with milk (hex a), all bran crunch (hex b) with banana and milk (hex a2)

lunch: no idea but hopefully something involving fish! Am saving all my syns for this, will update later

Dinner: Beef curry and rice

Exercise - none

Good idea about getting as much done for the wedding before the baby comes. Me and Dave got married abroad but despite it being just the two of us, there was still lots to sort out!

Your beef curry sounds lovely. I think you can count shopping as exercise :D
Had a lovely lunch yesterday with OH, will have to stick to plan for the next 3 days as we fly to Tenerife on Tuesday.
Today will consist of washing, ironing and packing, along with a bit of gym time, might be going out with the girls for dinner later but that will be on plan so not worried about that!

todays food:
brekkie: coffee, apple
1 hour body pump, followed by a coffee and a banana

lunch: eggy bread with bacon and cheese (hex a and b)

snacks: lots of fruit and yoghurt

dinner: not sure yet....

my my weight is still going up really quickly, the only thing that gives me hope is that one of the gym instructors had a little girl 5 weeks ago, she gained 3st and when I saw her on Tuesday she looked fantastic! Have tried to attach 30 week bump pic - one is the wrong way around but won't let me change it lol xx


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You look amazing Missy and don't look like you've gained much at all! All your hard work certainly seems to have paid off!

Very jealous of you going to Tenerife, how long are you away for? Xx
Thanks Jenn - i've actually gained 2.5st!!!! It scares the life out of me as I haven't been pigging out all day long and have been working so hard at the gym, I just always seem to gain a lot when pregnant. Im just hoping that I don't put on over 4st like I did with each of my girls xx

We are in Tenerife for a week, the girls will love it with all the waterparks and activities, im just planning on swimming, walking and relaxing for once lol x
I honestly would never have guessed you'd gained 2.5st. You really do look fab! Also you know you have big babies and with the focus of your wedding that gain will be gone pretty quick I'm sure!

Seen this poster at the hospital


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Thanks Jenn, I really do beat myself up about it, having been an obese teenager and then losing it all I struggle with the weight gain with each pregnancy. Still, 9 weeks and a few days until DDay!!

So, all suitcases are packed for holiday, we are staying up at Bristol airport tonight as we have to check in at 6.30am tomorrow. Today consists of 1 hour body pump followed by cleaning the house and last minute errands to run.

Brekkie: Coffee (hexa), crunchy bran with banana and milk (rest of hex a and hex b)

lunch: omelette with bacon, veg and cheese

dinner: not sure, might stop at harvester on the way - I always have the same - spit roast chicken, no sauce, jacket pot and salad

really hoping I can keep weight gain to a reasonable amount, we have an apartment so won't be tempted by any hotel buffets!! Look after yourselves and bumps and I will be back in a week xx
Have a lovely holiday Missy xx