Thanks for your post though, I was beginning to think I was a rubbish mumshe's so little at the moment that she has to come first. I'm not saying that I don't want to look after myself, I'm just trying to find the most convenient way to do it.
Don't get me wrong guys, I appreciate all suggestions and everyone who's taken the time to post, it's just a bit hurtful to be told I need to let my daughter cry and that I'm making a rod for my own back, as if I'm parenting wrong or I don't know what I'm doing x
I can't see the problem with this as long as your synning the shake and the milk is a healthy a then it shouldn't interfere x
Thanks for the suggestions. I know this sounds nuts but I need something I can eat with one hand so can't be anything in a bowl lol.
However, if you want to save those Syns, then consider buying a lidded bowl with a suction base - you'll probably want one when you start weaning, anyway - and measure a HExB of cereal into it the previous night so all you have to do is add some milk in the morning. (Obviously, you could put something like fruit and yogurt in it for something different). You can then suction stick it to the table so that you can eat one handed whilst cuddling your baby.