Oh how I can relate to the feeling of being drowned by the demands of work, home, children and an unsupportive (now ex!) husband.
Five years ago, I was a HOY in an inner-city London school which was extremely demanding. I earned a good salary but never had any spare cash - with hefty mortage, credit cards, the needs of my 3 kids and the alcoholic man who came home to sleep in the same flat when the pubs closed.
I didn't have the luxury option of having a nervous breakdown - I had to keep the ship afloat or the kids would have been taken into care.
How I survived it, I'll never know - apart from breaking free from him, and having to leave my job as a consequence of moving back to my old home.
I honestly don't think I could have such a demanding career again - I constantly felt torn between the needs of my co-workers and the students and my kids -who always seemed to lose out.
I look at how my mother managed with one child - and she just concentrated on her career - to the detriment of me!
For me, when something had to give, it was the ex and the job. The last few years, I've concentrated on my kids which has brought it's own stresses and demands - as I still feel very young myself.
I remember going to see a counsellor in my 20s - issues about my childhood that I just couldn't seem to get over - and telling her that I only felt about 14 and was so proud of myself when I managed to get myself dressed and go to work!
I still feel the same now - taking my littlest girl to the hospital had me wanting to treat myself with junk food as a reward for being a good mummy! It's like I didn't get praised for good behaviour as a child -it was expected! So I've always 'praised' myself with food.
I think of some mothers who've I've come across in my professional life, who abandon their children for the pub or drugs, who abuse their children mentally and physically and tell myself that I'm not doing too badly! Yet everytime I have a stressful moment, I want to fill myself with junk instead of allowing anyone else to make me feel good about myself.
I too, have tried the superfoods way of eating - I just ended up eating far too much! I can binge on fruit and veg, nuts and seeds just as easily as I can with takeaways!
I don't have an 'enough' switch!
So right now, I'm praising myself with abstinence - although it's terribly hard, I'm almost playing the martyr.....am filling my soul with the smell of my own burning flesh!!
So, please don't think you're the only one who's feeling stressed, confused about food, trying hard not to listen to the chatterboxes and generally miserable because life is just SO DAMN HARD!
I am still feeling like this, despite being happier than ever before in my entire life!
Nuts, huh?
Anyhoo - Clucks and TTIR - I truly hope that you both feel a little better for sharing such deep, personal feelings and knowing that you two are most certainly not alone.