Monarch's diary

Monarch, we've got a few days away at the beginning of November too...I was planning on taking my shakes for breakfast and lunch as we will probably order room service for breakfast and it's easy enough to have a shake at lunch. Dinner is going to be a problem...I'll be into my third month by then and well on the way to target, I think that we will pick the restaurant carefully and I'll maybe have chicken or fish and a green salad? I go out here and in France, where we have a second home, and have been taking Exante bars with me, but I'm not sure that mixing the two diets has been that successful.

If you do want to eat I would suggest something like tandoori chicken or prawns, def no curry sauces or veggies, and a mixed salad with no naan breads!! Will anyone mind if you actually stick to the diet?x
I think Sandra's suggestion will work. Its a funny time of year I suppose coz people do start having parties in November and into January. If you were asking about my diary earlier? I never started one and its a bit late now lol xx
Thank you both. The meal is for some teachers from Jordan coming over to this country. I have to entertain them twice and don't want to try to communicate lipotrim to them. I'm not too worried about the English meal but I want to take them somewhere where we can get Halal meat to save them eating veggi all week. I think tandoori chicken sounds wonderful!!!!!

I've been dizzy all day today and not felt well. My OH came and helped me muck out the horse tonight but I still felt really light headed. I wondered if anyone else has had a day like that. (Hope I'm not getting ill)
I didn't like the frozen shake. I got so bored of eating the lollies and was wishing I had just had a shake!
Oh . . . lollies sounded good but won't bother now. If I stand up suddenly I feel light headed. Hope you're soon better.
Thanks x I think I may have been getting a cold. I feel a bit better today but snuffly. I've set myself a goal. I'm going to ride a dressage test at the end of the month, the first for two years. I've only just started back riding him again and I'm not fit like I was but if I've got a goal I think I can do it. I'm so excited now and it's helping me to feel better!!!
Very excited for you Monarch for deciding to enter that dressage comp. There is nothing like a competition to keep you focused, and the adrenaline from entering will keep you going for ages! You'll be down to size 16 in no time and heading towards the 14's!!! xxx
Thank you so much. The cold got me - I've been so grumpy today and feel horrid. I am so glad I wasn't in class today as my poor children would have got a bear with a sore head. (literally)
My mum wants me to go back to food but I really can't blame the diet for giving me a cold. Everyone at work has had it too and they are eating food!
I think I'll curl up and go to sleep soon. Wishing you all huge weight losses tomorrow!
Oh bless you, I really sympathise - there is nothing like feeling really unwell and miserable with a class full of monsters grating on the nerves... boy can we tell it's nearly half term; they've been vile this week! I am utterly shattered, and I've managed to avoid all the bugs so far.

I am also going to be eating for a couple of evenings soon, as I'm going away for 2 nights with my OH at the beginning of half term, and food is included. I think it's all about making the right choices - plenty of protein and avoiding all carbs ideally - but it's sometimes easier said than done!

What age do you teach?

Good luck for the dressage - what test are you doing?
Hi - just written on your diary too. I am doing beginners prelim 1. Hopefully easy. We used to compete when he was mine but this is the first time for 2 years.

I teach Y3-Y6. I do an hour of maths with Y3/4 then teach Y5/6 for an hour. It's a really small school (53). What about you?
I'm so ill I had to come home. Really gutted as I hate being off. I also really want to eat. I'm desperate for anything. I've had my shake and a black coffee but my body wants fooooood x
Try as hard as you can not ot give in to it Monarch, you've been doing so well. Eating food might make you feel better for a few minutes but not much longer and then you'll be kicking yourself. It might just be a habit you're in, when you were sick before you might not have denied yourself what you wanted..these are new times..with a new skinnier you...don't let the old you win ;)
That's great advice. I didn't eat. I slept for hours. Woke up with high temp and really dehydrated. I had a dream about a woman called Wendy who was my lipotrim lady (like weight watchers) she was in jamaca by chance and put me on tasty choc bars instead of shakes. Both jamaca and the choc were lovely. Gutted when I woke up!
I'm in a tiny school too (58 I think) - I have a delightful Y5/6 class, only 17 of them, I am ridiculously spoilt! Only in my NQT year so am shattered right now but loving every minute.
Small schools are the best. I've been teaching for 15 years. I'm the HT and maths teacher. As you'll know that means I co-ord 12 things & frequently clean, decorate, mend things etc. Wouldn't have it any other way!
Just 12! More like 1.2 million I suspect! I think the saving grace of teaching and this diet is we're too busy to snack during the day!
I've been so ill today. Stayed in bed. Definitely flu. I wonder if I'll still loose weight if I don't move all day? I've got my temperature under conrol briefly. It was 39.7 half an hour ago. I suspect I'm out of ketosis because I'm hungry but I haven't given in. Why does every advert have to be for food? I don't think I'll be well enough to go to my weigh in tomorrow. Gutted.
Sorry to hear youre feeling ill. Hope you get better soon. If you've been sticking to plan, theres no reason you should be out of ketosis. I think it may just be that you have more time to think about feeling hungry. Try some hot drinks, I find peppermint tea quite comforting.
Hugs :)
Emma x
Thank you so much. I feel a little better today. I have continued to loose weight YEAH! I feel now that if I have stuck to it through this flu then I can make it to the end. I was considering a break so I am quite glad this happened.

I have had a bath, combed my hair and left the bed. My OH has been looking after the kids and passing me shakes and water every so often - bless.

I am still coughing like mad and I am so dizzy I can't even try on a new top that has just arrived from Next mail order! I think I'll manage it later though provided I can stand up long enough. I really think I am a 20 now and may even be heading towards an 18.

Every time I lose a stone my OH buys me a charm for my bracelet so I've only got 2lbs to go for my 3rd one. So excited.