monthly hormones

I havent had a period in over 4 yrs :D its great!!
I have the implant in my arm so i just dont get them its deadly :p
Did you suffer with PMT and did it improve with the implant?
I used to get really havy periods to the point i couldnt get outta bed with the crippling pain.. I used to crave chocolate something terrible!
Now i dont get anything at all i couldnt even tell you when my TOTM is im just normal all the time!
Staying out of this thread...bye.:p x
Wise move,womens stuff!!
microgynon made me fat lol!! x
It must do hun, i went from 10 stone to 12 stone in months literaly! x
Shamrock, another Fiona, hello! don't seem to meet any other Fiona's. I was the only Fi at school couldn't be naughty at all. lol

Made up for it when you left with all them boys:D:p X
So do we reckon that generally some sort of pill will help pmt? x
I'll def try that Lil, I'll go and get some tomorrow ready for next month lol xx
Well i was going to ask if LT may delay or stop your period but seems most of you dont have them LOL,
Im 2 days late but think its just this LT,but its normal for me to have funny dates my body is terrible,never the same time each month.Even have 2 periods some months LOL :(

LT made my periods regular Vic x
hey lillie,
SNAP - lol!
never thought about the microgynon and weight.....i was thinking that when id finish losing weight i might go back to microgynon but that's not gonna happen now - NO WAY - not taking the risk of keeping the weight off being even harder lol!
fran :)
God no Fran dont do it lol xxx