Looks like an excellent plan to me, ML. It's quite similar to where I'm at, though I do allow myself oats and rice, and probably have more potato than you're intending to. But definitely no wheat, so no bread or pasta, and after all this time I really don't find I miss them - I never reintroduced them during my diet breaks, which probably helps.
I'd say it's a good call to stick with soy milk if you like it - fewer cals and carbs than cow's milk, which is good if you drink tea by the bucketload like I do! I'm so used to it now I just think of it as normal milk.
As for yoghurt, have you tried the Alpro vanilla soy yoghurt alternative? I find I can't take cow's milk yoghurt, but the Alpro stuff is fine for me and not unpleasant. Been having it with a banana for breakfast some days recently (yes, a real banana - thrilling, eh?!

Btw, I absolutely understand the sneaky brain issue. Mine has managed to convince me of one or two questionable things lately (mainly relating to Easter and chocolate

) so it's definitely something to be aware of. I don't believe I'm in danger of bingeing or going completely haywire or anything, but "creep" could certainly be an issue if I stopped tracking (which is why I'm not going to!).
Anyway, good luck with this. I think it's an excellent next step and I hope it yields the results you're looking for - those dramatic ups and downs must be a right royal pain to deal with, so if you can minimise them that would be excellent.
Onwards and...er...stay the same!