Moonlights' (temporary) Maintenance

Not much veg left but I think I might see what I can do with some m&s tomato sauce. Never cooked pork fillet before and need to do it in a pan as the oven is occupied.
at least it was a lb in the right direction, even though i am being ultra bloomin good i seem to have no real movement in scales grrrr pain in bottom!! the plan with meds sounds good when they get it going xx
Stubbsey, are you weighing daily? If so, get off the scales and only let yourself weigh once per week.

Look at it this way. 2lbs is on average what we're looking at in a weekly loss, if we're lucky. 2 divided by seven is 0.28 - so there's no way you'd see a daily loss on the scales.

Atkins is a bit of an ebb and woosh diet. Whatever weight I lose for a week it tends to go over one night, and the rest of the week I yoyo up and down by anything up to 4lbs. These fluctuations are natural.

But if you're weighing daily and only get downward movement one night per week - which would be totally normal - you're going to be frustrated by the fluctuations 6 days out of 7.

Don't weigh daily!

The only other thing I can suggest is forgoing the sugar free jelly - it does apparently stall some people.
Food today:

Flax/almond mim with coconut oil and cheese spread

beef brisket, celeriac with mayo

Pork fillet stir fried with zero noodles, with m&s tomato and garlic sauce and cheddar cheese

Mfp: 25g carbs inc meds
i am being impatient with the scales ML i need to be more disciplined, i have been losing with the jelly so will still have it, but i guess i should try not to have it too often. i should get my oh to lock the scales away and only let me have them once a week! but knowing my luck the day he gives them to me will be the up day ugh xx
Just realized I forgot to update my profile on Friday. Aww, I'm not at goal anymore! 1st 12lb to go to my next goal with Xmas as a big hurdle in the middle.

Food today:

Leftovers of yesterday's pork stir fry

Cauliflower in cheese sauce and asparagus with mayo

Flax-almond mim with cheese spread

Mfp: 28g carbs
Your doing great ML. Pork fillet is my favorite. Did you have the shirataki noodles? Maybe zero noodles are different from Shirataki and less fishy?
Val- I buy my shirataki from zero noodles . Com or something like that - when they have a special offer on. But I've also had them from LCM and the Japan centre and have never ever smelt the faintest hint of fish or even any odd or unpleasant smell. The ones I eat now I always rinse but to be honest I could not bother if I didn't want to, there's no smell at all.

I was worried the first time I ordered them as a smell like that would put me off, but several brands later it hasn't been my experience - and the noodles themselves have been very much the same.

I'm not a regular user of them but I've found they're much better if you cut the strands (bad luck in Japan but ah well) into short lengths before using them. Then it clumps less and seems to become less chewy - they went really well with the stir fry.
Scrummie -

30g flax
15g ground almonds
Pinch baking powder
1 medium egg
Water to loosen batter

Then I split it into two batches to make two small buns. For savory I add

Pinch of garlic salt
Sprinkle of dried Parmesan

For sweet I add

Liquid sweetener to taste
Almond essence (or other flavoring.

Microwave each bun for 2 minutes (or less depending how wet the mix is) turn over and micro for 1 more minute.
I get the Miracle Noodles - they do a range of thicknesses and a 'rice' as well. Don't notice a fishy smell or taste with those either.
Thanks ML and Susie, must check them out. I once had some in a cupboard until the expiry date and they weren't fishy at all, so then ordered a new batch and they were. Had to chuck them out.

I'll go onto the miracle noodle site, sounds promising.
Scrummie -

30g flax
15g ground almonds
Pinch baking powder
1 medium egg
Water to loosen batter

Then I split it into two batches to make two small buns. For savory I add

Pinch of garlic salt
Sprinkle of dried Parmesan

For sweet I add

Liquid sweetener to taste
Almond essence (or other flavoring.

Microwave each bun for 2 minutes (or less depending how wet the mix is) turn over and micro for 1 more minute.

Thanks, ML! Will give that a go soon - I love almond-flavoured stuff so should go down well! :D
Diem - just make sure you don't expect anything like actual pasta - they're chewy and more like rice noodles in texture with absolutely no flavor of their own. Useful as a filler but not delicious. I do by far prefer courgettes but don't always have them in and zero noodles are totally guilt free.

Well yesterday was a day of nutty eating.

Roast turkey, celeriac, asparagus, leeks, courgette

Rhubarb/almond crumble


And that should have been it but I was I explicable starving later. Tried a tiny bit of peanut butter then realized I needed meat, so I had a venison steak at 3am.

Of course this morning totm finally seems to be trying to start and I already know my ferritin and hemoglobin levels are through the floor as I'm very overdue an infusion, so I think I'll just be giving in to the protein cravings as they hit.
Hi, that receipe sounds great, I will give that a try this week. I made a mim last week just using almond flour, baking powder, egg and cocoa with a bit of sweetner; it was the first time i had used almond flour and it was yum. Last night i breaded chicken in almond flour and parmrsan and fried it, georgeous.
sammy1 said:
Hi, that receipe sounds great, I will give that a try this week. I made a mim last week just using almond flour, baking powder, egg and cocoa with a bit of sweetner; it was the first time i had used almond flour and it was yum. Last night i breaded chicken in almond flour and parmrsan and fried it, georgeous.

That's how I do my micro almond cakes, but I add almond essence or cinnamon. I just do the flax/almond version when I want to split it with half savoury.
I've made rice pudding with them myself, chopped up fine. I added alpro and sweetener and flavoring, some gluc powder to thicken (could use xantham gum) and heated in the microwave. It was nice.

I've gone off cream at the moment so wouldn't have wanted it creamier or with a full custard. The alpro actually tastes very creamy when heated and it turns out to be a very low calorie meal.
I actually made a post on the main board back in may or something asking if it would work as rice pudding ;) great minds.