That is a very busy week of holiday there! If you don't have plans next week my house could do with the Moonwatcher touch...
Hope you have some lovely days planned for next week when OH is off too. Or else you will need to go back to work for a rest!
Food is sounding lovely. It actually sounds like on the days you have eaten at home you may well be under target calorie wise. You have said before that your target feels pretty natural to eat to most of the time. Maybe that means there is hope that you won't need to actively count the calories forever and in time you may be able to eat more instinctively and get the weight down to where you want.
Being able to lose weight 'naturally' would be a dream come true! I gained a few pounds back the two weeks I was using my vouchers etc., but this week, when I have had much less focus on food because of being busy, I have lost about a pound of that. I can't get my head into gear to track calories etc., so I'm not even going to try until I go back to school after Easter.
Today's food was nothing for breakfast except two cups of earl grey with milk and four squares of Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate.
Then we had to drop OH's van back at his work ready for some work to be done on it while he is off, drove to the charity shop and off loaded the 12 bags of books. While we were there I picked up a great handbag for £4 - black with red veleveteen patterning, and also a hand held mini vacuum cleaner for £8. OH found a pair of Tommy Hilfiger sun glasses in a leather case for £15. He really made me laugh as he didn't have his reading glasses on and he is not at all into designer brand names, so he came up and asked me if I had ever heard of a 'Tommy Huff-finger!' Anyway, he is very happy with his Huff-finger shades!
We popped into the local pub for a jacket potato with chilli and cheese and a piece of carrot cake. Drinks were a double spiced rum with ginger beer and a mocha coffee. Then we drove back home to tackle the study again! It is very nearly there, but a lot slower going today, because a) we were both full of food, and b) OH takes ages to sort anything because he gets side tracked!
Yesterday I sorted out the top desk shelf, which included cleaning the printer; tidied the music CD shelves; emptied all the big filing cabinet drawers; sorted the tax papers ready for the loft; cleared the top of the heater; put all the loose paper/card/laminate/plastic folders into labelled folders and bagged up a whole bag of cassette tapes to give away/chuck. The haul yesterday was a bin bag full for burning, two bags for tossing/donating and half a wheelie bin of papers/mags/envelopes for recycling!
Today we had to move the PC (it is a tower system - OH has planned to use it for photo and video editing for a long time, soon he will be able to!). This meant moving the desk out and changing all the wires around, moving the tower off the floor into the desk so we could fit the first small filing cabinet underneath. As the micro wave in the utility room was sitting on top of the filing cabinet (a rather random pairing, but it worked well!) we had to find something else to stand that on first! Then we emptied out the small filing cabinet (more bin bags!) and FINALLY started restocking it with the paper etc., all neat and tidy! It was getting a bit late and we had both had enough so we left it at that and I had a plate of cold meat (lamb and chicken) with salad, sweet chilli jelly and greek yogurt, followed by a coffee with cream and a shot of brandy, half a glass of dry cider and five more squares of chocolate while we watched BGT on catch up.
Tomorrow we will move in the other small filing cabinet and finish organising the stuff in the drawers, put an ad in the local shop for large filing cabinet free to good home, sort through the remaining computer discs and do the last sorting and flinging, stick the final bits in the loft and we're there! I even found some floppy discs, so I will check them and wipe them and then either fling them or take them to the charity shop. I'm not sure anyone will want them now, but people do buy all sorts of things! I have a very ancient notepad machine which I can check them on, and then that will get donated to a friend who 'does' computers.
I cannot believe how much rubbish has accumulated in one room over a few years! It has probably built up over about four years. It made me feel like one of those people you see on these TV boarder programmes. Thankfully it was just that one room, but it was where all our paperwork was kept. When we had to sort put my brother's flat, where he had twenty years worth of paperwork all over the flat, it made me think about if anything happened to us, I wouldn't want anyone in our families to have to do that for us. It was a really awful task at my brother's and I would hate to put anyone I loved in that position. So now there will be one neat filing cabinet again, with everything in its place, and a note to say exactly what is in the loft.
I have my eyes on the utility room next - nothing like as bad, but with some re-organising and getting the OH on board to chuck some of his hoarded stuff, I will be able to make room to get my strider, cross trainer and exercise bike in place again, where they can actually be used!