Hi Vicky! I go to the forest town co op chemist its just 10 mins up the road from me, in the car. She is actually really nice my chemist, I just don't think she realises what she said or meant anything by it. How long have you been on LT? XX
Today's my first day but 3 years ago I lost 8 stone dropping to a size 12 but I just ate with my old ways so I've put it back on and much more :0( I'll do it again. Got my lovely size 12 dress hanging up on my bedroom door and I'll be in it again before end of summer! Lol x
I'm a big fan of Calorie Calculator - Daily Caloric Needs. You put in your ideal weight and it tells you how to maintain it. If you started eating that many calories tomorrow some day would get to your ideal weigh- but it could take ages. Get close and use that as a base lie for calories. More exercise, more calories. Cut 300 out a day = a few pints at the weekend. I hate when people say it- but calories are a bank account. You get so many a week and if you only spend that you don't overdraw- in our case put weight on. People jump in if I'm wrong, but personally it took me 8 years to put on an extra 50lbs. That is only an extra 21,000 calories a year or 425 calories a week... I'm angry with myself when I see that. A few slices of pizza, extra biscuits, ect. I'm a binge eater totally. If I find another outlet I can stay closer to my ideal. It's one of the reasons I like weightwatchers, but for me I like it for maintaining. You learn kinda what points are and you count what you having. I think I can do like 25-30 points. Just keeping it common sense and resisting ias many indulgences as I can. Erie girl is my sister and I can tell you we love burgers and pitchers margaritas. We just can only do it once every 2 months now. I already had us doing half juice half soda water. Makes a huge difference in calories! But even her, she was skinny a few years ago and looked hot- I know she will again soon
JennyLane; Erie girl is my sister and I can tell you we love burgers and pitchers margaritas. We just can only do it once every 2 months now. I already had us doing half juice half soda water. Makes a huge difference in calories! But even her said:
True dat sis! But we have to be good now and support eachother in good choices!