Morrisons Nu Me Sandwich


New Member
Hi everyone

Never will I be unprepared for lunch again! The only sandwich I could see which looked reasonably low fat / low cal-ish was the reduced fat prawn mayo (from the Morrisons Nu Me range).

Just looked - 14 syns! That's my daily allowance pretty much gone.

Oh well, lesson learned :sigh:
The problem with shop bought sandwiches is that they do not get a free food allowance so everything in them is synned at the highest rate. If they are wholemeal bread you can take 6 syns off if using the bread as your HEB but very few of them are actually wholemeal so that doesn't help much. At least you can cover it from your syns which is something and if its some consolation they are often a lot higher than that

If you are caught out again in the future (which of course you won't be!) the thing to do is buy sandwich ingredients eg warburtons sandwich thin (5 syns), cold meats etc and do your own. Or get yourself a copy of the low syn snacks and free branded foods books from class as they give low syn options you can buy off the shelf. Bargain at only £1.95 each too :)