Motivated marnie's food diary!

Right today's food diary!

Coco pops 3
Milk 2
Orange juice 2

Tuna sandwich 6
WW strawberry tart yogurt! Yummy! 1
Nectarine 0

2 fishcakes 12
Salad 0

Monster munch 3
Whippy bar 3

32 / 35
6 AP earned
The dessert yogurts are yummy, my favourite is the lemon tart one! What's a whippy bar hon? X

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I havent tried that one yet! I will tomorrow! It's like a milky way but they are from own brand supermarkets lol they all taste the same and they are yummy x
Oh yeah? I like them milky ways, will keep an eye out for the cheaper versions hehe :) I just stuffed myself this evening and feel a bit guilty now lol!!

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