
Yeah, the pressure of studying must make you want to reward yourself for your hard work but stay strong. Chocolate cake and oodles of cream wont solve anything....but it would taste lush lol.

Not much to report here today....looking at booking a disneyland paris trip for the kids at the end of the month as there are some great deals at the moment. Very excited at the prospect of meeting Mickey.
Managed a 50min high intensity workout whilst the kids were at preschool so feel good for that even though my hunger has spiked a bit since then. Ho hum
Klizw - I read somewhere that intensive studying can burn off as many calories as running because you make your brain work and it needs extra energy, but that might just be me being hopeful :p I will try that thank you :) Although, I don't eat fish so banana's here I come!

Dreamingmaid - Yes, it really would haha. I am tempted to buy myself a chocolate yoghurt thing instead, less calories but still as satisfying!

I hope you enjoy Disneyland! :) Try eating porridge to get the hunger to go away, usually works for me; but then... I get so full from porridge I can barely eat a portion. Still very yummy though! :) x
That's the spirit Bubbles, you'll get there soon enough. Draw a line underneath it and carry on.

I booked our trip to disney paris last happy! We go in two weeks time so although the weather will be chilly, at lease there shouldn't be big crowds. Can't wait to see the look on my little ones faces when they meet their idols :)
Not much else to report....did a little bit of clothes shopping in town today, still find it hard to believe i am buying size 10's! Got a summer dress for £7, a long cardigan for £9 and a jumper/dress for £5. Bargain!
Bubbles - Next week will be much better :)

I thought I would wish you all luck with next week. I wont be on here until a week tomorrow (and if I am shout at me and tell me to go revise!)

I am also having a week off, because I think under 1000 cals wont help me learn or aid my concentration in my exams so I have upped the cals to however many I want.

It's surprised me though, because I thought I would binge on all the crappy food I haven't eaten in a while, but I just don't want it anymore... Instead of binging on sugar whilst I work I have been eating breadsticks and houmous. So yummy and keeps my blood sugar levels stable :) Although.. that might be because I have eaten a whole tub in two days :p Ah well, at least it wasn't the tub of Heroes!

See you in a week! x
Great thread topic.
Well I have been really motivated since the start of Jan. Sticking to under 1500 cals a day and exercising (gym and Davina DVDs), not had any chocolate or crisps - my big downfall.Motivation has been sky high.

However feeling abit down now and like I want to raid the cupboards due to a rubbishy weigh in. Only lost 1 lb this week despite NO cheating. I know it's still a loss etc etc but I don't want to be loosing this slowly already - I know it slows down when nearer target obviously.
Posting on here in an attempt to avoid the kitchen!!!

Sure I will feel more positive tomorrow
Hi ladies, hope you are all still doing well. I have been off the diet for the last 2 weeks, had bad news so being a bit chubby hasn't been high on the agenda. Think I'm going to give it another week and then start again. I haven't weighed myself but I think I've put back on.

Keep at it everyone, I will need inspiration when I get back on track!

When you get bad news it certainly puts it all in perspective :(
Hope all is ok.
Definitely seems like the sensible thing not to weigh yet, worry about that once your back doing it.