Mrs Potters Food Diary

Hi Gem! Good to see you are still going strong! Sweetcorn and nana sounds like a great snack! :)

Thanks!!! Lol, the funny thing is i didnt even eat them in that order, i ate the nana first! xxx

BTW, well done on deciding to race, you will be great and will have no probs. Running events are so much fun. I would highly recommend (if u r interested) "the rough guide to running" Awesome book xxx
Ooh thanks! Will definitely check that out! X
Wednesday 4th May

B: FF yog
Break: weetabix + strawberries (heb1 + part hea 1)
L: 2 x small wmeal cheese salad rolls (don't think they r quite a full heb but I will say so anyway (heb 2&3 + hea2 + 1 syn for el salad cream). Banana
D: tonight left over quorn sausage + bean casserole + veg
Heading to the gym too for legs bums n tums
Left over hea for coffees. Plus plenty of water
Edit: after tea had another bit of toblerone (5 syns?) And cup o tea + milk (1 syn)

Syns: 7
Total this week 86
Syns left: 20
Stayed at gym for body combat too
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julesm said:
Hi Gem I ordered that book thanks for the tip! Xxxx

Yay! No probs x
Thurs 5th April

Today plan as I am in work til 9 tonight!

B: FF yog
Break: Fruit n fibre (part hea 1 + heb1) strawberries. Another FF yog
L: 2x small wmeal rolls (heb2&3) with cheese salad (hea2) + branston pickle (1 syn) pasta shot (0.5syns?)
D: quorn cottage pie 300g (2 syns)
Snacks: banana, FF yog, alpen light (4 syns)
Drinks: 1500ml water + teas + coffees

Edit: no alpen light but picked at choc again...7 syns. No FF yog either

At home now, very hungry so having a tom + herb pasta and sauce + flora light (1 syn) + low alc small beer (3 syns I guess)
Total syns today: 14.5
100.5 syns for week
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Friday 6th May

Oh poo! :( put on 2 pounds. If I had had a crazy week I wouldn't mind but I just had a regular week. I'm now bang on target. I even went to 3 gym classes this week and don't believe that this would of resulted in a 2 pound gain. I have now gained 3 pounds since I met target. Grrrr!

Right. Have to think about what to do. If I didn't weigh myself weekly I may not have even noticed this, could just be my bodies natural fluctuations, plus weight isn't a great thing to go by when u work out regularly...I could not change a thing and give it another week, see what happens. Or I can go down to the extra heb every other day???? What to do?
Friday 6th May

Oh poo! :( put on 2 pounds. If I had had a crazy week I wouldn't mind but I just had a regular week. I'm now bang on target. I even went to 3 gym classes this week and don't believe that this would of resulted in a 2 pound gain. I have now gained 3 pounds since I met target. Grrrr!

Right. Have to think about what to do. If I didn't weigh myself weekly I may not have even noticed this, could just be my bodies natural fluctuations, plus weight isn't a great thing to go by when u work out regularly...I could not change a thing and give it another week, see what happens. Or I can go down to the extra heb every other day???? What to do?

It's got to be natural body fluctuations - surely :confused:

I'd say give it another week hun ... especially if you are comfortable with what you are eating. Would dropping a HEB make you feel like you were missing something??
Ali* said:
It's got to be natural body fluctuations - surely :confused:

I'd say give it another week hun ... especially if you are comfortable with what you are eating. Would dropping a HEB make you feel like you were missing something??

It might to to be honest, I also think the more I keep messing about with what I'm eating the more my weight is going to keep fluctuating :(. At the same time though I have had a steady enough gain over the last few weeks, maybe I should cut it out, its only every other day and maybe I'm eating too much! Although it doesn't feel like it LOL! Xxx
Hi Gem! Ooh sorry to hear about your gain. To be honest I haven't been having the extra HEB, I had it in the first week after hitting target and gained 2.5lb. I don't know though as I am dead up and down! Could you maybe have say 2 extra HEBs per week or something?xxxx
julesm said:
Hi Gem! Ooh sorry to hear about your gain. To be honest I haven't been having the extra HEB, I had it in the first week after hitting target and gained 2.5lb. I don't know though as I am dead up and down! Could you maybe have say 2 extra HEBs per week or something?xxxx

Yeah I think I might cut down for now. It's weird tho, I don't ever feel like I'm eating too much! Xx
Friday 6th May

Oh dear! I have ate, drunk and I am very merry...
Ali* said:
Me too!!! Hic!!!

LOL! I had a lovely meal out and for the first time in at least 4 months I had a full dessert to myself! The guilt has now set in lol! Sounds like u had a lovely last day at work Xxx
Sat 7th May

Me and OH went down south to county down yesterday and stayed over in a lovely b&b. Diary went like this:

B: chopped fruit and FF yog

L: red pepper stuffed with goats cheese (2x hea) + salad. Some dressing. The pepper looked a bit oily so will say heb + 3 syns. No idea if that's accurate.

D: a bit of deep fried brie from OH's starter (5syns?) Salmon + Mediterranean risoto + asparagus bit of sauce on side (5 syns?)
Lumpy bumpy cake.. so good but very naughty! Thankfully other wasn't a huge portion (?25 syns)
2x small white wine (12 syns)
Large white wine (8.5 syns)

Total: 58.5 syns. oh dear, that's only day one!
Sunday 8th May

Here is a wee photo of me ready for OH's nephews bday party last night (see below)

I was feeling a bit disheartened yesterday. We had brekki in our wee B&B and i was hoping to have (after such a guilt ridden meal the night before) poached egg on toast or something nice but the woman at the B&B asked " 2 full breakfasts?" I dont like making a fuss so said no thanks but felt left out and OH got a wee bit annoyed with me saying i should be able to relax for a couple days since we were away. But i did relax the night before and despite feeling a bit guilty the next day, i did enjoy myself. I did feel a bit annoyed with myself though for not being able to just switch off but then i think if i keep doing that all the time the weight is going to come back on. I have already gained since i hit target and i dont even feel like i have been that bad. So i sat down to my weetabix and yoghurt and he had his fry but once we had finished he felt rotten and i felt fine hee hee! I actually felt quite satisfied and good about myself for making a healthy choice...although some fruit would have been nice.

Then last night we had a bday party to go to and were told not to eat any dinner as there would be food there. This made me panick as it would not be SW food. But surely i need to get used to this, its only a minority who make SW food. UGH!!! OH said sometimes its like i have an eating disorder (he said this in the nicest possible way lol) and i know he finds it hard. Maybe he is right in a way. There is a control issue there. Does anyone else think i am too in control or obsessive? I would love to hear some opinions on this.

Yesterdays diary then:
EE (sort of)
B: weetabix (HEA + HEB) Low fat yog (1 syn)
L: Baked potato + baked beans and heinz spagetti, bit of flora light (1 syn)
It looks like i had a lot but i just really had small portions of everything:
Salad (I think some dressing on this)
Pasta thing, it looked harmless but have no idea really
Few crisps
Beef Lasagne
Beef Chilli
1 coor light (4.5 syns)

So synage? Not sure really think i will say 20 for the food plus the beer: 24.5

Syns by day two: 83
Syns left for rest of week: 22


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Its hard not to be obsessive Gem, but it looks like your doing really well, letting go a bit but still trying to stay in control. Especially as youve not long hit your target, your still trying to sort out what works for you.

I really let go for 4 days whilst was away and finding it difficult to get back on it!! Ahhhh + 4lbs!!! Actually suprised it wasn't more!!!

Lovely pic too!!!
I'm only just catching up with your diary hun ... don't know how I missed it :confused:

Don't give yourself a hard time hun. I agree with B's lovely lady - its hard NOT to be ever so slightly obsessive ;)

SW isn't a difficult plan to follow but when away from home it suddenly feels very scary! So much non SW food not only to tempt us but sometimes no other option :(

OH is lovely and supportive, bless him. He probably sees a gorgeous petite girl who he adores and thinks is perfect and wonders why you feel you need to diet.

You can probably afford to relax a little hun ... you're gorgeous ;)
Thanks Ali and b's lovely lady! Well I havent obsessed the rest of the week, just stuck to plan. Weighed in this morning and STS. Store happy enough. Haven't caught up on anyone's diaries yet. Hope ur all doing well Xxxx
Still haven't caught up on diaries. Somehow down 2 pounds at wi lol!