MrsQuadkon's EE diary

Well done biffy!!
Scrambled egg, beans, sausage (0.5 syns) tomatoes, mushrooms, potatoes

Tuna and salad sandwich (hex b)
Hazelnut soya milk and mullerlight milkshake with options lol (4 syns and hex a)

Tea will be...
Lamb Korma with rice n some veg

I will snack on fruit aswell
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I weighed again this morning and I was 12 13 exactly!! Exciting!!
Hazelnut alpro soya milk... Wher have you been all my life?? Yummy
Thanks Mrs Q and well done on the 12st 13, that's great!
I've def decided to make Sat morning my WI from now on.
Off to Edinburgh for the wkend and am a bit worried cos my husband has learned a new Krispy Kreme donut shop has opened near where we are staying!:confused:
Been thinking about trying some of the soya milks...will give the hazelnut a go next week!
Am away to plan my meals for next week. I'll do my shopping on Monday morning and I'm learning that I stick much better to plan if I decide on my meals before I shop. Will plan lots of superfree foods in case those donuts strike!
Mmmm donuts! You're bound to be tempted, what might be good is to let your husband get a selection, and you cut a small portion from each to try, enough to make one full one, and savour them, that way you get to have a dew flavours but only really eat one. But make sure you do stick to the one!! That's what I'd try to do anyway.
How did your weigh in go sarg?
That is a great idea. I read an article in the paper last week about people eating sweet treats. It said that people eating a small portion enjoyed the treat just as much as someone eating a full portion and in many instances they enjoyed it more because they consciously savoured it. Thanks for reminding me of that!
I really think that's true, when I'm not dieting I can eat a big family sized bag of maltesers without really noticing I'm eating them, yet on a diet I can eat one freddo and really take my time and enjoy it so much more.
STS is better than a gain and you've got the right attitude hun x
Sarg, I know how I felt last week when I stayed the same but I told myself at least it wasn't a gain. You will be fine.

Mrs Q, a Freddo is my after dinner treat with a coffee and I can make it last ages now, it used to be 2 bites at most!
Breakfast-grapefruit (sorry Mrs Q!) 2 poached eggs and 1 slice toast
Lunch -Beans on 1 slice of toast with grated cheese on top
Afternoon-2 rich tea fingers
Tea-Coriander & mint chicken skewers, rice and salad
Evening-A freddo!:D
I've just set myself a mini target, to be 12st 6lbs by my daughter, layla's, first birthday which is 3 weeks tomorrow! 7lbs in 3 weeks :)
Oh,how lovely! Its good to set yourself mini targets although 7lbs in 3 weeks is quite ambitious. Are you having a party for her?
Yeah just a little tea party at home. I know its a challenge but if I set my goals low I tend to go off track more, I need to put pressure on myself or ill slack off lol
Well that's a great incentive. Just imagine all the photos that will be taken on the day and you want to look back on them and be happy with them. My oldest son got married last year and i managed to lose quite a bit of weight cos I didn't want to be the fat one in the photos..the bride's mother is stick thin! I lost quite a bit and bought spanx! Sadly after the wedding it all went back on and more. This year I'm in it for the long haul...hopefully!
Just stood on the scales,as I knew I would and its registered another half pound off so that's two off this week...really pleased!
I know I'm entering a danger zone heading away the wkend but will try my best to be sensible. Will remember your donut advice Mrs Q!
Good luck for the weekend ahead ladies!
Hope you have a lovely time hun x
Was thinking, why don't you window shop for a new top to wear to the party...that would be another wee incentive for you. x