Mrs Q
Any loss is a good loss.
I used to do red and green days when I did SW before (EE was not around), so any questions ask away.
Basic overview
Red day - eat as much lean meat, fish and superfree veg as you want with 2 HE a and 2 HE b choices
Breakfast - 30g HE B choice of cerial, eggs bacon mushroom tomatoes and seletion of fresh fruit
Lunch - chicken salad sandwich with HE B choice of bread, yogurt, and fruit
Dinner - 2 chicken breast and loads of supper free veg.
snacks - chicken, crab sticks, fruit, raw veg, yogurts and 2 x HE A choices (nearly forgot them! LOL)
Plus 10- 15 syns
Green day - eat as much pasta, rice, potatoes, noodles and superfree veg as you want with 2 HE a and 2 HE b choices
Breakfast - 30g HE B choice of cerial, eggs tin potatoes mushroom tomatoes and seletion of fresh fruit
Lunch - Baked potatoe with baked beans and HE A choice of cheese, yogurt and fresh fruit
Dinner - Pasta bake using tin tomatoes and any superfree veg you fancy
snacks - fruit, raw veg, yogurts, mug shots, fat free supernoodles, pasta, SW chips
Plus 10- 15 syns
I find Red days a lot better for lossing weight than EE or green. But as I struggle to have HE A on EE I really struggle to have two on the other plans. I do not take milk in tea or coffee and have to limited what dairy products I eat as I am lactose intolerant, and I like to eat a yogurt every day for a sweet hit.
I was calorie counting before coming back to SW and its OK for a while, but then sticking to 1200 calories every day and not feeling hungry is really hard. At least with SW there is always something you can eat if you feel peckish.
Stick with it Mrs Q - we are here willing and waiting to cheer you on!
