Mummies must haves!!

I love our angelcare, no complaints with it at all! I didn't want a video monitor but the sensor mat was a must for me. It gives me amazing peace of mind and I have the mat switched on even with Seth in his basket next to me, I just have the sound turned off. Then if I need to do anything and leave him in his basket I pop the sound on and take the parent unit with me. You can hear everything, down to little sighs and murmurs <3

I heard a lot of reports of false alarms which worried me but we've had none yet. The only annoying thing is remembering to put the sensor on hold when you take baby out of the basket - we've had the alarm go off a few times in the night as we've forgotten! x
I love our angelcare, no complaints with it at all! I didn't want a video monitor but the sensor mat was a must for me. It gives me amazing peace of mind and I have the mat switched on even with Seth in his basket next to me, I just have the sound turned off. Then if I need to do anything and leave him in his basket I pop the sound on and take the parent unit with me. You can hear everything, down to little sighs and murmurs <3

I heard a lot of reports of false alarms which worried me but we've had none yet. The only annoying thing is remembering to put the sensor on hold when you take baby out of the basket - we've had the alarm go off a few times in the night as we've forgotten! x

I can't get sound clear on ours?? Something I'm doing wrong
My latest must have and recommend for bf mummies - Medela Pump and Save storage bags for breast milk.

As I can't express much since we went exclusive bf I decided to start freezing and storing milk so I can save it for special occasions. We only have a freezer ice box so there's very little storage room and putting bottles in there would have been a nightmare. So I picked up these bags - they are pricy in the shops but much cheaper on Amazon. You attach the bag to the bottom of the pump, express away and then when you're done you seal the bag and tear off the top bit that attaches to the pump. Then you write the date on so you know when to use the milk by and pop it in the freezer. The bags are pre-sterilised so it's all nice and clean and it means no faffing around with bottle washing either. Very handy! xxx
I can't get sound clear on ours?? Something I'm doing wrong

You have to turn it right up, I thought ours was crap to start with too. I also think you need the nursery unit closer than it says too, I put it at the distance recommended and it didn't always pick up. We messed with the sensitivity too and that seemed up help. I'd say fiddle with it a bit and see if you can get the sound better :) x
I have bought something similar to this but it's a bear white noise thing. Glad to hear it's meant to be good.
Any recommendations on monitors it's blowing my mind!!

As to camera ones. With Jacob we had the Motorola mbp35. We started usjing when Jacob was approx 2-3months when he napped upstairs. It lasted right until he was 2 years 3months as it broke the other week.. so it's done good.

Well with it breaking I stuck to Motorola but wanted a twin camera for this baby too when he's here so may as well buy one now..
I thought I'd save some money and got the Motorola mbp28
This I think was reduced to £80. When I received and tried this out I hated it!! The image is so poor and that was tested just in daylight! So I returned it asap.

I'm now using Motorola mbp36
This is amazing! Can move the cameras by the parent monitor which is amaozng for when Jacobs out of bed I can spy on him plays lullibies through monitors too which I used previously on the green monitor when Jacob was a baby. It helped rather than having to go into them all the time. Shows temp of room also....
This was £169 but it's 2 cameras so I think can pick it up for around £90?

Highly recommend this one, still getting used to buttons though as it's different to what I've been used to. Xx
I love our angelcare, no complaints with it at all! I didn't want a video monitor but the sensor mat was a must for me. It gives me amazing peace of mind and I have the mat switched on even with Seth in his basket next to me, I just have the sound turned off. Then if I need to do anything and leave him in his basket I pop the sound on and take the parent unit with me. You can hear everything, down to little sighs and murmurs <3 I heard a lot of reports of false alarms which worried me but we've had none yet. The only annoying thing is remembering to put the sensor on hold when you take baby out of the basket - we've had the alarm go off a few times in the night as we've forgotten! x

We're the same, I nearly always forgot to put on hold! Lol x
Found it! Don't know if any of you need anything but got a leaflet through the door this morning and tesco have a baby event starting 18th march xx
Got a leaflet through post yesterday - Asda baby event starts next week :)
Re: baby monitors

I have this one, borrowed from my cousin. Tried it out and it works really well. Obv can't tell for definite until baby is here lol :)


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Ladies with teething babies under 6 months. Gummee Glove has just arrived and it looks fab. Am just sterilising the ring then when Cole wakes up gonna try it on him :)
I got a jumparoo today from toys r us. They are reduced from £99 to £59 online but had none in stock. I rang my nearest store and they had some but were £99. However they will do price match so you just need to take a print out of the online offer or have it up on your phone and they matched it no problem. If they come back in stock online then you can also get an additional £5 off with this code.... Oh code not come up. It was on hot uk deals. Sorry can't find it with the code now.


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I'm another one who recommends getting a video monitor! We got the tommee tippee one, makes life so much easier being able to see LO and saves needlessly getting out of bed at 3am!

White noise apps are brilliant and I also use it if I'm having bother nodding off too!
I'm another one who recommends getting a video monitor! We got the tommee tippee one, makes life so much easier being able to see LO and saves needlessly getting out of bed at 3am! White noise apps are brilliant and I also use it if I'm having bother nodding off too!

I've been known to nod off to white noise in the past too when I've been waiting for Cole to go to sleep ;)
Well used the video monitor last night for the first time.. Put Éabha up on her own last night for the first time and I would not have settled had I not had the video monitor... I was all for it before but now I know its true worth.. Cannot recommend it highly enough
Oooh bargain make sure you post a pic xx
Ah happy birthday Eabha she deserves a birthday treat xx
A slightly random must have but these are great. We got given them for Christmas. She's obsessed with them. She gets all excited when I get them out. And I like them too! They are by tomy. ImageUploadedByMiniMins.com1397763857.300462.jpg