New Member
I used to play piano too when I'm still with choir in my church... Right now I want to learn how to play drums... I already gave up on guitars cause I'm a lefty it's hard to strum!
I strum (or should that be thrash) on my electric guitar, not seriously, but it makes a serious amount of noise! I'm into heavy metal...
and stick it in drop D* and I'll play away til my hearts content
I used to play the bagpipes, left the band years ago though. still enjoy going to watch bands play, make it up to cowal every year if i can. Had a go at a snare drum once, terrible. lol
We came 3rd in grade 2 at Cowal this year
Wow, thats great! I didnt manage to make it this year.....its a great gathering, especially the piping down the street on the last day. lol
I used to play for St.Annes pipe band, but we never used to compete...it was more carnivals and hotels. I joined Warrington Juvenile for a while but didnt stick it out. Quite miss playing really, dont think my fingers could go that fast now though. lol
Who do you play for?