My 12 Week Challenge starting today - Anyone care to join? - LETS DO IT!!

Morning all you soon to be skinny people!!!!:bighug:

Hellooo especially to you newbies!!!

And a extra super-duper special great big :bighug:to Afsana for today. Am seriously thinking of you and hubby and family today. Be strong x

Hellow sweedaddict and tuckinurbelly! Hows Sunday bee so far??

I bought some sugar free guma and going to give it a bash - but yeah, it is a catch 22 as chewing gum, stirs up the juices in your tummy and makes you hungry - but I'm going to just chew for 5 mins to get the taste out my mouth and chuck out. I also carry mouthwash in my handbag, but I need a spray as lugging my handbag to the bathroom is not on at work.

I found week 2 harder than week 1. Week 1 was still a novely - week 2 was "this is how it will be for 11 more weeks"!!!!

No cheats from me (since my friday night post weigh in rewards of a piece of chicken breast - that MUST STOP)....

Where's Enlightenme? Yooohooooo - where are you???

I'm dying to hear your post weigh in results sweetaddict and I feel its a good one (I'm also a 'behind the scenes eater' - I call myself a closset eater) - well, all that must change once I"m done my 12 weeks.

My one friend phoned me today to say how worried she is about me on this diet. Her words "do you know how bad this diet is for your vital organs?"... (she's a health nut - skinny - pilates instructor) - I did alot of research before starting this diet, and know it does take its toll on vital organse (muscle around the heart weakens etc) - is anyone else worried about their health?? I have purposefully NOT told some family members of mine about this diet - for fear of "its soooo unhealthy" comments...:eek:

This is my first time on CD (and it had better be the *(^% last too) and I really want to get somewhere on it!!!

Today I lay in bed late (with a bottle of water) and did a treatment on my hair (I like your idea of your reward Lauren, being your nails - think I'm going to do something like that rather than reward with food)..... I then went shopping for groceries for my kids and now I plan on reading my book! Trying to stay away from the kitchen! Saturdays and Sundays are BAD for me!:character00116: Stay strong and focused ladies!!
I chew quite a lot of the time as the taste in my mouth is vile to say the least lol
it makes my tummy rumble but I can't say that I feel hunger and I can live with that :)
Thanks for a great post jillybeans!loads of energy in it!wknd is hard but getting through it!avoiding kitchen is great help.husband left to his own wise so im able to avoid shops etc.

Health for me is worrying being the weight I am so losing it will also help my heart.The way I see it is, ive puy my heart under streas for many yrs so another 11wks should be ok considering at the end of it ill be a few stone lighter!

Off to the parade soon so will take up some of my day.very different to how I usually spend St.Patrick's Day but I told myself this before I started so I have prepared myself.I have felt somewhat of a relief saying "No" to many events in the last week and for many coming weeks as it takes the pressure off temptations.Putting myself first feels good for a change!

Weighing in tomorrow morn so fingers crossed.I hear on the novelty end of week 1.Not sure if reality of 11 more wks has kicked in but taking everyday as it comes!Need to get a big calendar to cross of days!Also I have a 'dream board' which I have redesigned as my weight loss 'dream board' which motivates me so much.Highly recommend it!
Good luck to all today!
hey sweetaddict.As this is my first Sunday I dont have much advice only that I plan on treating it like every other day.If you give it more power than any other day then it will keep overpowering you.what is it about Sunday that makes it different to you?

I think you're right, I've been giving Sundays waaaay to much power
I think they're so difficult as its my only "weekend" day off, I work Saturdays so have Sundays and Monday's off. Mentally Monday is a normal weekday so can treat it as any other day, but Sunday's are long and hard, always have a lot of family come found, and usually my sisters children, so there's a lot of tempting food in the house and being eaten around me
Today I am trying hard to imagine that it's a normal day and have so far managed to stick to plan and even get 1 ltr of water in
How are you getting on, what day is your weigh in? x x x
Hi jillybeans
I'm doing ok so far today, have managed a ltr of water and 1 strawberry shake, have mixed up my mousse mix pack ready for when I get a craving for something sweet and plan to have a porridge for dinner
I too am excited for weigh in, have do far been 100% and have until Wednesday to go signifiers crossed will manage to stay 100% until then and have a good weigh in
How are you doing today? x x x
hey sweetaddict!well done today!Ive hard to say no to family lunch at my sistera place cause its too early for me to be around temptation!Could you try and organise that you go to someone elses house so then u can leave if it gets too much??
my weigh in days is monday!first one tomorrow.
I get your sunday is like our saturday but its just a matter of realising its hard and being more determined!Like you are being today!well done.:)
Oh first weigh in how exciting! Have to let us know how you get on
Yeah that's a good idea had not thought of doing that but may start planning to meet people of a Sunday afternoon that's really good advice thank you x x x
I have been saying NO to any invites that would normally require me to eat and drink...:boohoo::boohoo::boohoo: Some of my friends that I didnt tell about the diet became concerned about me, wondering if I was depressed or suicidal LOL! I've had to confess to "serious dietiing" keeping me alone at home on weekends as I need to focus on my weight.... they are on the countdown to the end of 12 weeks to SEE me again... I just find it easier to remove the situation from myself...

However, saying that, next weekend I have TWO events that are longstanding - and both those people dont know I'm dieting (or cambridging) and I will NEED to eat SOMETHING as both sets dont believe 'starving oneself' is healthy..... so going to have to eat - just so I dont have to tell them about cambridge (told them I'm calorie counting).... so thats going to stuff things up for me big time for the following weeks WI... but I just cant deal witht he lectures...:eek:
Oh no, having to be around people who don't agree with the diet is sooo tough!
Try to pick a very plain protein to eat of possible, I find telling people you've had an upset tummy is a good way of getting out of eating anything too much and a perfect excuse for not eating any calorific deserts without anyone suspecting
Also eating really slowly and drinking water between every mouthful means it takes aaaaages to eat and makes people not realise if you are leaving food on your plate x x x
yeah jillybean it can be boring as i sit alone knowing everyone else is having the craic!!
at this stage of diet I ve gone into not giving a damn about anyone else with this hunger!!:) so at this stage there is no one else that i am putting before myself and i dont care who i insult!if they dont respect that then they dont truely care! Its one thing lecturing you on what not to do but are they gonna carry your burden of your weight for you?No! So just do whatever makes you happy!
People have made comments in work but I just leave the conversation or change it or give them a sharp enough answer that they change it themselves!!lol.For me ketosis has brought on less patience!lol.
ive let people close to me know that im out of action for a while and briefly mentioned diet so they know they wont see me but am always at the end of phone!ive gotten great texts of support too.
Ketosis, made me a moody b(78ch!! I was snappy and irritable those first 2 weeks - have kinda settled down a bit (although still a b*__):rolleyes:

Yeah, as I'm kinda forced into eating next weekend I'm going to stick to egg and chicken where possible and take my bottle of water with me (I now tend to carry a bottle of water wherever I go - in the car, to the shops etc)

Most people are supportive, but my one particular friend is concerned about the damage long term - but I did point out to her that being overweight was MORE detrimental to my health long term. SHe's coming round tomorrow evening to show my some Pilates excercises to do - as the cm's / inches arent shifting as much anymore.... and my tummy is becoming flabby/hangy.... :argh:

OK, just had choc mint sludge for dinner... need to try get another bottle of water down me..... also taken my water retention tabs.... means lots of visits to the loo today (thankfully I got stuck into a book!)
yeah i guess there is always one!well atleast she is helping with exercises.thats great!well keep up the good work.head is wrecked and just want to delve into food but the only thing stopping me is that ive worked my butt off all week and im not gonna throw it down the drain!GO US!!!will let you all know weigh in tomorrow!
This is me at start of diet 6 weeks ago. IMG00154-20130121-1717  BEFORE.jpg

This is me on Friday - been on diet 6 weeks. IMG00204-20130315-0803.jpg
Hello everyone, I'm BAAAACK!! Internet was down, so I was unable to get through. Doing OK. Jillybeans, I understand about your friend. Not to start a polemic but she's kinda right (heart is muscle too, aand we DO also lose muscle on CD... and IF not done properly, we can put ourselves in danger... 5 years ago, I did it and using 3 shakes, exercising and not doing a lot of drinking.. sometimes when not hungry, I'd even go down to 2 shakes (I'm 6 ft tall)... so safe to say, I developed arythmia - now gone, but i'd have heart skips, and feeling like my heart was gonna come out of my chest :eek: silly me!!
But as you rightly pointed out, losing weight alleviates your body from the burden of carrying around all that weight! SO - my suggestion, if you choose to do the diet, you've got to do it seriously,and follow it to the T - respect the amounts you're meant to eat, and resume healthy eating as soon as your BMI is down to normal.

That said, I'd better follow my own advice! gotta get drinking that water
There you are Enlightenme!!! I must admit, I've had that "heart jumping out of chest" feeling at times... and "heart racing"... and did wonder if it was this diet or if I was anxious...??? I guess I KNOW that losing weight quickly, cannot be good for the body.... but also know being overweight is not good either! So which is the lesser of the 2 evils?? Arythmia huh??? Gawwd... Now I"m scared. Wonder if anyone has died doing this diet...:confused:
Looking good JillyBeans, looking good! Think I'm gonna take a picture soon too!

Thanks!! :queen:

Its good to take pictures of yourself weekly to see your progress.... Putting them up on here, like that, and being able to see them together, makes me feel ...good. I see I now have a bit of a waist... and can see the problem area - hips!

Please share your pics? Its motivational.... :hug99:
There you are Enlightenme!!! I must admit, I've had that "heart jumping out of chest" feeling at times... and "heart racing"... and did wonder if it was this diet or if I was anxious...??? I guess I KNOW that losing weight quickly, cannot be good for the body.... but also know being overweight is not good either! So which is the lesser of the 2 evils?? Arythmia huh??? Gawwd... Now I"m scared. Wonder if anyone has died doing this diet...:confused:

I went to see a cardiologist for it! I got it coz I was underfeeding myself waay too low. (a bit like what anorexics go through I guess) 3 shakes instead of 4. Now when I have 3 shakes, I'll have either chicken white, or skim milk. When I go back to exercising (in a month, I'll go to 810 - with exercise I function better, esp when I'm losing 350 cals in a session...)
I also cut back on the coffee that was giving me the shakes! Jeez, thank goodness I dont smoke on top of that... A righteous mess!