My 12 Week Challenge starting today - Anyone care to join? - LETS DO IT!!

Hi day 1 for me (Friday) was my birthday so I most definitely was not ss :( but I was straight back on it today and have been ss and drank my 3l plus exercised loads at a shopping centre promoting my charity event for 8+ hrs. Off to bed early
You are all doing so well! You should be proud of yourselves!

Laura, happy birthday for Friday!!!! Glad you recognised it was a special event, but managed to get right back on track the next day! Well done - you should be proud of yourself!!!

Its now getting colder here, and we've had a particularily nasty wet and cold weekend - makes me want to eat something nice and warm. What things can you do with your shakes other than have them with ice or cold water - someone once said they made a hot chocolate? How do you do this?
MINI CHALLENGE 3 (13 Days) - Start Date(Day 1) : Friday, 19th April, 2013 End Date(Day 13): Wednesday, 1st May 2013.

Hi girls.

I have made a summarized table of the 13 day mini challenge for us to view our progress at a quick glance. It is pretty simple to understand. The green smiley:D means that we have followed the SS 100%, the blue smiley ;) means that we have followed the SS+ 100% (for those who are following the SS+ plan) and the yellow smiley :) means that we have followed the water intake 100%. If any smiley is missing it means we have not followed that part of the challenge 100%. Hope this table is simple and clear to everyone! I will also be updating this table at the end of each day.

Green smiley:D = SS done 100%

Blue Smiley ;) = SS+ done 100% ( For those following the SS+ plan)

Yellow Smiley:) = Water intake of 2.5L done 100%

Dancing Mermaid:mermaid:= 30 minutes of gentle walking done -This is optional ...but don't you want to look hot like the mermaid???

Please do not forget to update us for each and every single day of the mini challenge, no matter how your day went. You may update at the end of each day or the next day in the morning. Kindly mention the day (example: Day 2) and date (eg. 06th April, 2013) as well so that it is easier for me to keep track, especially as we are all in different time zones.

I will give an example below for more clarity:

Day 3 - April 07th, 2013 - 100% on all three counts

Also, I am sorry to say that anybody who does not update us for two consecutive times in a row, will be automatically removed from the group. I am hoping all of us in this group will be there right till the end of the mini challenge and there will be no drop offs! :D...So here's to wishing all of us a FABULOUS success and fabulous weight losses!! Hope your day is going well so far!!!

Day 13 of this Mini Challenge will be Wednesday, 1st May 2013.... GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!
:D :) ;):mermaid:

DAY 2 - Saturday, 20th April, 2013







DAY 10
DAY 11
DAY 12
Day 13
Day 2 - 20 April 2013 - One yellow smiley and one mermaid. No green smiley though!! Went out and had a delicious dinner of steak and veggies and ice cream! Really enjoyed it...but back on track today 100%! :)
day 3 (21st april) 100% ss+ and 3ltrs of water drunk :)
managed to make a batch of peanut butter cookies and chocolate brownies without even so much as a lick of the spoon lol
Day 3 21.04.2013 water and two mermaids! No ss as was dizzy and fair so had to eat. Then went out with family so ate a little there too. Tried to keep it within reason, so hoping it won't affect things too much :)

Will be back on it tomorrow :)
Its a new week - and I'm determined to get back on the wagon!!! I slipped last week, but yesterday I did SS, so going to try alternate SS and SS+ this week as I realise I cant portion control!!! I'm so weak.:devilangel::devilangel:
Jillybeans try all the classic things to help with portion control.
1) use a smaller plate to make it appear you are eating a full plate.
2) concentrate on your good whilst eating instead of watching tv.
3) eat slowly and chew fully as that will make you feel fuller more quickly.
Hope those help xxx good luck for the new week!
10KG Challenge - 1 April 2013Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Total Lost
Enlightenmelossloss loss
Jillybeans1.7kg1.9kg+200g 3.4kg
Sunflowerlady1.7kg1.6kg 3.3kg
Lauren22441.8kg 1.8kg
tuckinurbelly1.9kg1.13kg 3.03kg

Week three WI on the 10kg challenge: 1kg lost. Total loss is 4.3kg :) below halfway! Eeekkk will I make it????