well day 4 and still feeling good could do with a tiolet break well my mouth tastes like crap and my girls thought their brother needed his nappy changing so guess my breath smells that bad lol still good sign still waiting on my keostix to arrive so no idea if im actually in ketosis right now? cant believe i managed our big family shop and didnt eat a thing so proud of myself had a sneak peek on the scales 4lb gone yeaahhh not my weigh in till weds so doing good
hi xeeyore ye thats me i love that one and the veg if thats urs aswell lol i just sold my horrid ones no likely to drink/eat them
well nearly end of day 4 and still feeling good
well was doing reall well last night all day on ts then kids all munchin as we have girls nite so i was good went and ate a boiled egg and tuna later my stomach was rumbling and hurting so not good but on with day 5 looking forward to my 1st weigh in will do it wednesday as i started wednesday that feels like weeks ago lol ive managed with them eating santas pizzas so hoping i can cope with chippy tonight 4 tea maybe il bugger off upstairs
well looks like im living off veg,thai chicken soup,banana and strawberry milk shakes the rest are yuk
well lets get on with the day