My 1st week of cd

Hey clairebear and I'm glad I could help x I only lost that as its my 1st week and I have loads to lose I don't expect that loss but yr right any loss is good x how are u getting on good I hope where are u off on holiday x
Well day 10 for me hows anyone else getting on x Im fed up with my friend today as after all i have done for her over the past year she has blown me out after eeting a new guy online and moving him in within weeks of meeting ! sounds like im bitter i know but we have gone from speaking every day and knowing everything about each other to i havent seen her in over a month and spoke to her less and she doesnt even know im on this diet so has offerd me even less support !
anyway day 10 is fine had porridge this am and blow it up all over the microwave but the little bit i saved was nice x I havent lost an ounce this week so far so im upping the water consumption somewhat x my clothes fit the same and you cant see i have lost weight but sticking with it lol god im impatient lol
Oh dear Lea-sounds like you are having a rubbish day but stay strong! Your body is probably just catching up with its self after last weeks amazing loss-keep going! As for your friend-give her time. New love can be all consuming! Im sure that if you tell her about the diet she will be there for you-in the meantime you've got all of us minis! X
Hi lea, I'm going to Jamaica, montego bay, for my hols. Il let u know how much I lose after my first week has gone by.
As for your friend, I can relate, my best friend was my cousin, an we done everything together, but now, we've grown so far apart over new relationships, we don't even text each other for months at a time. It's hard, but if life has taught me anything, it's that wen 1 door closes, a window opens, and people seem to come into ur life at the right moment! If ur friend is backing off for good, I bet someone else is just round the corner waiting to be ur new Bessie, and of course, u have all of us on here for support and just general chit chat! :)
Good luck and keep up the hard work lea, it's already paying off! :) x
Ah thank u demon I have thought about it and I'm just leaving her to it as I know it's because she is loved up but when I first met my bf I was extra carful not to do it to her so she will come round when she is good and ready plus if I don't see her for a while will be nice to suprise her with my weight loss lol x and u are double right as I do get enough support from u guys on here and I really do appreciate it x how are you anyway after all my ramble x just got back from the cinema watching street dance 2 3D and even though the rest of the family had popcorn crisps chocolate and pop I stuck with my water x
LeaE said:
Ah thank u demon I have thought about it and I'm just leaving her to it as I know it's because she is loved up but when I first met my bf I was extra carful not to do it to her so she will come round when she is good and ready plus if I don't see her for a while will be nice to suprise her with my weight loss lol x and u are double right as I do get enough support from u guys on here and I really do appreciate it x how are you anyway after all my ramble x just got back from the cinema watching street dance 2 3D and even though the rest of the family had popcorn crisps chocolate and pop I stuck with my water x

OMG-have just eaten the maple pecan porridge-that was quite possibly the most disgusting thing i have ever eaten! Please tell me the other favours are better. Feel really tired now-just want to in to bed! Am so impressed with your trip to the cinema LeaE-not sure i could have resisted all that temptation so early on. You are definitely right about your friend-imagine her face when she sees the thinner you. I've not told my friends that Im doing it-i know i will just get lectures on how i don't need to lose that much weight-trust me the scales say otherwise! X
ha ha demonp it does take some getting used to and the coking has to b exact but if u get it right its not too bad lmao xxxx how are u anyhow x i have a confession i sooo wanted a cheese stuff crust pizza last nightbulucky we didnt have any in so i had to go to bed lol how odd cos im not even hungry lol i didnt have anything and i feel fine today but ast night i would have killed for one xxx stupid me x
LeaE said:
ha ha demonp it does take some getting used to and the coking has to b exact but if u get it right its not too bad lmao xxxx how are u anyhow x i have a confession i sooo wanted a cheese stuff crust pizza last nightbulucky we didnt have any in so i had to go to bed lol how odd cos im not even hungry lol i didnt have anything and i feel fine today but ast night i would have killed for one xxx stupid me x

But... the important thing is that you didn't eat anything so well done! It would have been so easy to eat something and instead you chose not to. You beat the tummy monster-well done! I still feel a bit pants today. Really tired because my youngest woke up at 330 am and i couldn't get back to sleep. Saw the nurse today and she said i have a low blood pressure hence the light headedness. Hope it sorts itself out! Still not felt hungry yet but dreading the temptations of the weekend!
Make sure u drink extra water then as that will bring yr bp up abit x and I'm here over the weekend if u struggle x
LeaE said:
Make sure u drink extra water then as that will bring yr bp up abit x and I'm here over the weekend if u struggle x

Thanks hun, well definitely be having a moan over the weekend. X
Feeling pants again today-don't think it is anything to do with cd just have a cold and lost voice. Will try a hot choc shake later and see if that perks me up. Presume just make it exactly the same way but with boiling water? Day 5 tomorrow-might have a go with the ketosis sticks and see if Im there yet. . .blimey it takes me back to when we started trying for a baby-lets hope this time round i lose 4 stone rather than gain! X
Ah yr nearly over the hardest bits hun stick with it and yes u will do it failure isn't an option lol xx
LeaE said:
Ah yr nearly over the hardest bits hun stick with it and yes u will do it failure isn't an option lol xx

Thanks LeaE. Failure most definitely not an option. Looked at the inspirational photos section today-wow- definitely spurs you on. Hot chocolate shake was a winner! How you doing today LeaE?
Hot choc is beaut isn't it xx I'm good just shattered been on the go all day working mega hard I haven't stopped even had my shakes on the go x took the kids and bf to meadowhall tonight they had KFC and I sat amongst loads of ppl eating sipping water lol clothes shopping for the kids gave me will power as I looked at all the skinny clothes that I could never wear thinking of a time when maybe I can so then the water didn't seem so bad x I came home and put the kids to bed followed by a long soak in a boiling hot deep bubble bath mmmmmmmmm x how are you today good I hope your doing great so far I'm really impressed x x
Your willpower is amazing LeaE! Im avoiding any food shops and not even watching cooking shows as i know i will just get cravings. Keep thinking of all those skinny clothes and how great they will look-you are doing brilliantly and your willpower is giving me motivation too. X
Clairebear I feel awful I missed your post x Jamaica wow that's amazing do tell us how u are getting on c so sorry again for ignoring you wasn't intentional xxxxxx
Ha ha ask me in a few weeks how my will power is lol nah I'm trying really hard and have just decided to accept temptation is going to be put in my face so may as well face it head on and deal with it lol stupid idea prob but with 2 kids temptation is unavoidable spesh when they try to share everything with me by shoving it in my face lol good job I love them x
LeaE said:
Ha ha ask me in a few weeks how my will power is lol nah I'm trying really hard and have just decided to accept temptation is going to be put in my face so may as well face it head on and deal with it lol stupid idea prob but with 2 kids temptation is unavoidable spesh when they try to share everything with me by shoving it in my face lol good job I love them x

My two boys keep trying to share with me too-my 3 year old literally tried to force feed me Easter egg today! The real difficulty is when they ask to share my shake. Don't want them to know what i am doing so keep having to make up reasons why they can't. Last excuse was that it was leftover cold porridge whizzed up- they seemed to buy it. ;)
Ha ha that's great lol mine ask to share too my youngest isn't so bad but my eldest 8 has caught on what I'm doing and that I haven't eaten so just explained I'm detoxing x haven't Easter eggs tested u yet they have me we have hundreds lol might have to move them x oh and is it only me that keeps forgetting to buy food in we have run out of bread milk and fish fingers and I didn't even know my other half is pants at household requirements so all responsibility falls on me x
LeaE said:
Ha ha that's great lol mine ask to share too my youngest isn't so bad but my eldest 8 has caught on what I'm doing and that I haven't eaten so just explained I'm detoxing x haven't Easter eggs tested u yet they have me we have hundreds lol might have to move them x oh and is it only me that keeps forgetting to buy food in we have run out of bread milk and fish fingers and I didn't even know my other half is pants at household requirements so all responsibility falls on me x

Hey Mrs-just read your blog-will you please throw your bludi scales away-or at least get bf to hide them. You are torturing yourself and you shouldn't be as you are doing so well! Just to let you know- i was about 21 stone when i was pregnant with my 5 year old-i say about because i stopped weighing when i got that far! I lost that first 6.5 stone through sw and exercise-avoided putting too much back on when i fell pregnant again and so although i am t.e lightest i have been for years, i still have about 4 stone to lose. I have had the same demons and frustrations as you and have given up so many times before-but I've not had this diet and this app before. I really feel that we can do it! Sorry, waffled a bit there but wanted you to know that even if you have more to lose than me, we are on this journey together! We will make it and will both get bankrupt in a few months spending all our money on fab new clothes! Keep strong-step away from the scales and keep focused on tomorrow. X