My 1st Weigh in !!!!


fightin the fat !
Had my first weigh in today and have lost 10LBS !!! :D:D:D

The chemist told me it was a 5kg loss which would be 11LBS..but when i got home and worked it out including the figures after the decimal points it was 4.7 KG so ive got that at 10LBS... so worth it xx
Yay... well frickin done :D
thx guys !! have just updated my ticker and it also has given a loss of 11LBS.. so its 11 LBS loss..who knows converting stones, LBS, KGS... i cant count or something xx have a great day everyone.... i will !! xxx
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Well done that's fantastic x
oh well done just_ang!!!
brillianto well done Ang thats great xxxxxxxxxxx
well done darlin it great aint it i had my first weighin on tuesday and had lost the same , keep up the good work xxx
:)well done thats great bet you feel shud put icing on cake by going shoppin and buyin yourself somat nice!!!!!!:party0011:
Woohoo well done ang thats fab hun..bring on week 2!! xxx
Excellent, Ang!

Well Done Chick!:D
Thx everyone..cant wait for next WI now...this is going to be the next addiction..getting weighed lol ! good luck to all xxx