Silver Member
Sam207 said:Awww good luck Shini. I fell off the wagon on Friday which followed into the weekend We had loads of goodies in the office. Had all the good intentions to get back on this morning but caved in when I saw all the goodies my colleagues had brought in again this morning... so picking myself up tomorrow and jumping back on TS. Well done for jumping back on, I know it can be hard x
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Hey sam omg I was the same started on Friday n carried on over weekend .. Just had to get bak to diet today! Must be hard for u as ur working n it's not easy .. But hey give it another go! Remember all the food n goodies will still be here wen u stop diet .. But u will be a new person n alot lighter!! I made it through the day soo glad, it has been hard as my youngest has been very unwell n still is! Come on u can do it Hun I'm right behind u! Lol x