hello all.
Just catching up on the forum as been awol for a couple of weeks. Noticed a fair few newbies so thought I'd post a 'tips' thread, the things that helped me the most in the hope it will help others.
- take one day at a time, I'm a very much big picture girl. Always have to see the big picture in life. But on LT if I thought about how long i'd have to be on this I'd go mad!!! try not to think about getting through the week or month, just concentrate on getting through the end of today, then worry about tomorrow - tomorrow and so on and on and in that vain i've got through 16 weeks virtually 100% with only a few minor slip up. one day at a time!
- Keep logging onto this forum. It has been one of the major factors for my success.
- I strongly believ yu need to be in the right mental state to start this diet, If you are not, you will keep cheating and lipotrim isnt fr you. You have to REALL want this bad! You#re head HAS to be in the right place, no one can get your head there aprt from you. there are loads of people who do this diet and keep 'cheating', if thats you than thinkabou ehat diet would suit you best and maybe its no lipotrim. it aint for the faint hearted but beleiv you me it works!
- DRINK and DRINK more water, your loo will be your best friend, If you are not going to the loo every hour and a half your not drinking enough!! heehe!! it really helps, there are a few threads on drinkin water, dont go crazy, but make sure you are drinking lots - most likely more than you are. the doctor at the health centre I work at has the loo in front of his office an honest he thinks I have a massive crush on him as Im always hanging round the loo!!! hahah!! He even introduced himself to me a while ago - scary thing is - hes bleeding gorgeous!!! haha!! must remind myself Im a marred woman! but serious keep up the water intake.
- for most people ther first few days/weeks will be hardest, just get through your first week, dont give up the first week, no matter how hard it gets, even if you want to die (like i did the 1st day!!) - promise it gets easier. Prepare yourself mentally for the worst, that way if its torture - you haev prepared youel for it, and if its not you can say to ureself 'ahh its not too bad after all!'
- for some its usually just cravings that get to them, not hunger as such as when you are in ketosis you shouldnt feel hungry. However if you are one of those unlucky people (there are a few of us on here) who actually get hungry, don't worry,you are not the only one,drink more water, go to sleep, have sex

find something to else to do but most importantly DONT GIVE UP. You will most likely think ALOT about food and dream of all sorts of food, this is notmal - do not worry.
- If you have to eat for whatever reason (i hd a few occasions like this at the inlaws, especially with them not knowing I'm on this!! the shock if they found out!) stick to proteins, don't touch the bread/carbs/alcohol. and drink lots of water post meal and next day to flush it out/ Stick to green veg
- sign up to the monthly challenges on here and try and post weekly your update on the challenge regardless of a good or bad week
- if you've had a bad week - dont go awol. come bck on to this forum, accept what yu have done an get back on track. If you have 7 beautiful roses, if one of thm wilts and dies - do you chuck the bunch of seven away of just the one rose? Same - if you have one bad day dont throw your whole week away, same with a month, 30 beautiful roses, if 7 of your roses die, you still have 23 beautiful roses to keep. Please dont chuck the 23 away. If you dont nip it in the bud - mind the pun, the problem gets more out of control than it initially was. If you slip up, we are here to support you and help you get through it - not judge or ridicule you. Hoever it's only IF you want to be helped
- Please don't gloat about the food you've eaten if you'd had an intentional or unintentional slip up on the forum. Remeber this is a TOTAL FOOD REPLACEMENT programme, if you've had a slip up and somene else out there is struggling, they come on to this forum and they dont need to see a list of yummy food. you've probably not realised and listed all you've eaten - how do you think the other person wiill feel? we come on here for support. Im not saying dont mention food but just be mindful of what you write in regards to food as this is TFR. If youve had a slip up and you need a bit of suppoet - PLEASE come on here, dont run away from, dont get the wrog of the stick with what im writimg, just think about why you are writing about what you are
- don't be selfish. there are alot of people (not just on the lipotrim forum) who will post when they want or need support and get upset when they don't get an immediate reply. Well I think that's selfish when they don't ever post to support others, this is about all of us supporting each other through our journeys. Support others and you in turn will get the support you need
- my mantra "this is just a time and it will pass" KEEP REPEATING in times of difficulty!!
- watching food programmes personally helped me, i know for others actually smelling food helped. do wha works for you
- acknowldge you will have good and bad days and good and bad weeks, it's part of the journey and getting through it will be so worth it all. I hav had the most horrenddous weeks motivation wise but I do beleive it's mind over matter and its how bad you want something, personally for me 100% is the way to go and 'breaking' the diet is so not worth it, in fact it makes it harder and its easier to kee going. Once you sart eating its harder to get back on it. Its all in our head!!!
-Try and get support from the people who are close to you. My hubby supported me as much as he could in his weird ways, sometimes he didnt really help and didnt take my feelings into account but having his support most of the time is most helpful. he doesnt always get it, but bless him he tries!
- If you dont have the suport from others, remember this 'diet' is ultimatley YOUR choice and YOUR decision and no one has the right to tell you what to do. if you want something - GO GET IT!!!
- I kept this diet from my inlaws and parents for a number of reasons - for me that worked and I don't see anything wrong in that, sometimes it's just easier that way
- try not to look at your weekly weight lossses but monthly overall lossess. I gurantee you, no other diet will make you lose that amount over a month
- figure out if daily or weekly weigh ins work for you and STICK to it. For me i know I need to weigh daily, it works, i have to, for others it has to be weekly, everyone is dfferent, figure yourself out and stick to it.
- if you stick to LT 100% you WILL lose weight, you are not eating, so if you do put ewight one or dnt lose much one week, it is probably water fluctuations as you phyically can not put possibly put fat on if you are not eating any
- take before and after pics. SOO motivating to see whne you've lost a fair bit
- as the weight drops, make sure you shake that sexy new ass of yours as much as possible. teeeheee!!
love and hugs to you all
if anyone has some more tips for us lipotrimmers post below