Miss Mango
Little Miss Wii Fit!
Oh flipping heck I think I would have died of fright there and then if that had been meI like that one but my cats catch spiders. My one female jumped on my bed last week with a flirty 'prrrrrrr' and dropped a HUGE black spider on my pillow!I think it was too big for her to eat so gave it to me as a pressie!
My cat once brought a mouse to me - trouble is the thing was in the trap out of the garage, we'd already caught it and he decided to bring it to me as a prezzie! It was a bit dark so I couldn't see what it was - I had been going to go and pick it up without putting the light on as in the dim light it looked like a packet lying on the floor, but something made me put the light on then I saw what it was - a mouse in a trap with the cat sitting proudly beside it - I never screamed louder nor ran down the stairs quicker
My dad had to deal with it and the cat was a bit huffed that I'd not accepted his "gift"