Happiest Girl :D
Ok, just [STRIKE]inhaled [/STRIKE]eaten my chicken soup, the first thing I have actually enjoyed! Well, as much as one can enjoy flavoured water
Feel better now, but I can't wait to get into ketosis.
Ok, just [STRIKE]inhaled [/STRIKE]eaten my chicken soup, the first thing I have actually enjoyed! Well, as much as one can enjoy flavoured waterFeel better now, but I can't wait to get into ketosis.
Aw, well done hunni, you're doing fab. One more day and you should find yourself on the outskirts of Ketosis-shire, a strange county where the inhabitants have awfully pongy breath but are very friendly.Many are remarkably energetic and will tell you that they feel quite a 'buzz' but curiously, aren't hungry anymore (well, so long as no one's been smuggling in Coke Zero). Well worth staying there for a bit.
LOL, I'm a nutter. Are you sure you want me as a friend?
I need to dust myself down after a day that frankly wasn't one of my best so will get myself off to bed in a minute and make myself read my Advantage Response Cards!
Hope you sleep well and feel a bit more normal in the morning.
P.S. Thanks for the hug - really needed that x x
DS was a little monster all day & SO had chest pains so was lay on the couch all day & I didn't have the energy to tell DS off properly.
SO went to the emergency Dr last night & has Shingles! DS & I haven't had Chicken Pox yet so I hope we don't get it! That would be the last thing we need!
Chocolate Tetra yesterday for dinner, really liked that! My CDC didn't have any chocolate shake mixes so it was the first time I'd tried it. Veg soup for tea, didn't like this much, just not tasty like the others.
DS's parent's evening last night & I stayed late at work to make some time up, got home, washed pots & made tea for My Mum & SO & had a bath then I went to bed at about 8.30 with SO as we were both really tired. Woke up this morning with no headache!!! Yay! Was weeing all through the night though, even though I didn't drink anything after about 7.30.
Fruits of the Forest for breakfast, was OK, nothing special. Went to work on the bus as I don't think I could manage going on my bike, too many hills! Went to Primarni on the way & got 2 new pairs of slippers, £3 reduced to £1 each, bargain! It would have been rude not to![]()
I was looking at all the pretty sundresses, I know this diet is the one that will finally get me in them!! In a size 10 of course
Friend from work said I look like I've lost loads of weight (haven't seen her for a few weeks) she said my face looks really thin, wooot!
coralprincess said:I noticed you predict someones weight loss on another thread, what do you think mine will be tonight! (I did sneakily weigh myself on Mon morning & they said 6lbs, but my weigh in is at night)
Have really, really struggled mentally today. I don't know why. Haven't been hungry but my head is constantly in food, thinking about quitting & doing another diet. Got cotton wool brain too, can't focus on things properly. What's going on?! Someone help please!![]()