Gold Member
Friday 14th February 2014, Day 2, Week 7
Weight: 8st 11.0lb
Happy love day everyone!!! Sooooo glad it's Friday
Been a long week at work (well been a bit crazy since new year but should quiten down soon).
Thanks Ging for your comments, such wise words. You are totally right, I just sometimes feel I'm stuck in a bit of a rut (spent the whole of 2013 with my weight going up &down) & so was just feeling a bit down. But at the end of the day it's all in my control & need to decide what I want - to go out, drink & eat what I like or to be slim! I need to be a bit more strict & in control - hence my plan for the week! Will still have fun, but hopefully a bit more restrained. And will try & be less moany & more positive
Yesterday was about 700kcal in the end:
L: BNS falafel salad (255kcal)
Snack: Grapes (50kcal)
D: Pig cheek & veg stew (350kcal)
Weight: 8st 11.0lb
Happy love day everyone!!! Sooooo glad it's Friday
Thanks Ging for your comments, such wise words. You are totally right, I just sometimes feel I'm stuck in a bit of a rut (spent the whole of 2013 with my weight going up &down) & so was just feeling a bit down. But at the end of the day it's all in my control & need to decide what I want - to go out, drink & eat what I like or to be slim! I need to be a bit more strict & in control - hence my plan for the week! Will still have fun, but hopefully a bit more restrained. And will try & be less moany & more positive
Yesterday was about 700kcal in the end:
L: BNS falafel salad (255kcal)
Snack: Grapes (50kcal)
D: Pig cheek & veg stew (350kcal)